Arthur Morgan: Assassin

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Arthur Morgan X Female Reader

Summary: You are an assassin hunting down Colm O'Driscoll to avenge your parents' death and you get the chance to kill him when he is getting hung in Saint Denis and you just happened to run into to Arthur Morgan along the way.

Word Count: 2300

Arthur was waiting for the right time to meet Dutch and Sadie in order to witness and ensure the hanging of Colm O'Driscoll. Since he had some time to kill, Arthur decided to stop by the saloon.

When Arthur walked in to the saloon he saw a woman, you, wearing dark colours and leaning over the bar. You raised your hand as you ordered a drink happily. You smiled at the bartender as he placed the drink in front of you, and you fell down onto your seat again.

"Celebrating something?" Arthur asked you as he took a seat beside you, waving the bartender over to order his own drink. The saloon was pretty empty apart from the pair of you.

"Haven't you heard? Today is a great day. Today they are hanging Colm O'Driscoll" you turned to the man with a smile, holding your drink up to him before taking a sip from it.

"Huh...I'm actually in town for the same reason" the man nodded, making you place you drink down and raise an eyebrow at him.

"Well, you sure ain't an O'Driscoll so I assume you are here to enjoy the show?" you asked, Colm had ruined the lives of so many people and you assumed that this man was just another poor soul that Colm O'Driscoll ruined the life of. You couldn't help but think that this man looked familiar though, like you had seen him somewhere.

"I'm here to make sure it happens" he explained and that perked your interest.

"It seems we have the same motive to be in Saint Denis...I wanted to get to him before he even makes it to the gallows...but those damn lawmen have him under watch" you grumbled, you had wanted to be the one who killed Colm O'Driscoll but this would have to do.

"'s personal?" the man asked as he sipped from his own drink.

"You could say that" you shrugged, looking up at the man.

"What did he do to you?" he asked, not surprised that Colm had made many enemies.

"Killed my parents. The bastard didn't even want to get his hands dirty so he sent men to do it for him. I've dealt with the men who did the killing but I'm going to watch Colm swing if it's the last thing I do" you told him, still not being able to shake the feeling of having seen him somewhere before. Maybe you got some information from him in the past?

"Well, I think you need another drink. I'm Arthur, by the way" the man finally introduced himself and you paused.

Now you remembered him. You hadn't spoken to him before but you did try to get some information from him. He ran with that gang you were watching in order to find Colm.

"Arthur...Morgan, right?" you asked, fully turning your body to him as you recalled his name.

"How did you know that?" he asked, furrowing his brow at you.

"You run with the Van der Linde gang, right?" you asked. You had been tracking the O'Driscolls so of course you had encountered the Van der Linde gang in one way or another.

"Yeah..." he nodded and you could see that he was getting uncomfortable, not knowing what to think of you.

"Don't worry, I haven't got anything against any of you. I've been tracking Colm O'Driscoll for far too long, and you lot are practically rivals so it was only a matter of time before I learnt about you all" you shrugged, in your world it only made sense that you knew about them all. It's your job.

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