Catch up with Lenny Summers

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Lenny will be included in future preferences!

They flirt with you around camp-

Lenny is actually one of the better flirts in camp, at least he makes you aware that he likes you. He is polite, charming and respectful, all things that drew you into him. He would just spend more time with you at first, getting to know you and just enjoying being near you. Then he would start to compliment you on anything he could and come up with excuses for you to get out of camp alone together. Everyone knew that he liked you, even if you didn't, and the camp thought it was sweet.

They get jealous-

Sure, Lenny can get jealous but he rarely shows it. If a stranger is flirting with you Lenny will mostly ignore it because he knows that you aren't interested but if he can see that you are uncomfortable he will step in and and wrap his arm around you before guiding you away from them. Lenny trusts you and knows that you wouldn't cheat on him but he can still get jealous but he would never blame you for that, it's not your fault. If he does feel a need to prove a point he will just wrap his arm around your waist or place his hand on your back and kiss your temple, making it clear that you weren't interested but he wouldn't get aggressive.

You have an argument-

It's rare that you and Lenny get into an argument because you both usually sort it out in a sensible manner. But in the cases that you don't fix it and end up in an argument you will both stop talking to each other for a while, giving you both some time to calm down before you say something you regret. Lenny hates arguing with you and one of you is always quick to apologise because you couldn't stay mad at each other for long.

They see you in your underwear-

Lenny stepped into your tent, wanting to ask you a question, but froze when he saw you in your underwear, part way through getting dressed. He instantly apologised and turned away politely while you trued to cover yourself up. Lenny could be flustered and genuinely apologetic, hoping that you wouldn't be mad at him for the careless accident. You were flustered as you told him that it was okay, he would nod before apologising again and leaving the tent. He would ask you the question later on when you were fully dressed and walking around camp.

Having sex-

Lenny isn't very experienced but he wants to please, your pleasure comes before his and he thinks that is important. He will always make sure that you finish before he does. He is attentive and intimate, preferring to take it slow and cherish you. You mean so much to him and he wants you to know that just from the way he touches you. He just likes the feeling of being close to you, holding you, kissing you. He adores it the intimacy.


Lenny will hold you, his hands softly caressing your skin and kissing you. His kisses are gentle on your lips, cheeks, forehead, temple, jaw, neck, shoulders, as you both lay together and enjoyed each other's company. You would both slowly fall asleep sharing sweet touches and kisses.

Horse riding-

Lenny loves horse riding with you, whether it be in the same horse or not. He likes taking a relaxed stroll with you while you both talk about nothing important. When you are on the same horse, you sit in front of him. His arm wrapped around your waist or his hand just resting on you waist as you went for a relaxed walk. Occasionally he would rest his chin on your shoulder and kiss your cheek, making you laugh.


Lenny likes PDA as long as it is respectful. He isn't going to be pulling you down on his lap or making out with you in front of other people. But he will give you a sweet kiss, he will hold your hand, have his arm around you, he loves when you kiss his cheek. He doesn't care if people see that, even if they playfully tease him about it. He loves you and is proud to be with you, and he isn't going to not be affectionate because other people are around.

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