Micah Bell: Breaking the Rules

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Micah Bell X Female Reader

Summary: You and Micah had been casually hooking up for a while now but when the established rules begin to get broken and feelings begin to develop, you decide to end things. It's up to Micah to convince you to change your mind.

Word Count: 1990

Neither of you can really remember how it started but you and Micah had been hooking up for a while. Micah had made it very clear after the first time that there was no chance of any relationship developing here, and you let him know that you were perfectly fine with that. But you both ended up in bed together again, after that you both made it a regular thing. You both knew that it was strictly sex, nothing more, and that was the way you both wanted it.

After you both agreed to this casual relationship, you both set a list of rules to stop things getting complicated or confused.

1. Keep conversation professional outside of the bedroom (or tent)

2. Either of you can call it off whenever you want (obviously)

3. No kissing unless having sex

4. No cuddling (no matter what)

5. You don't spend the night together

But most importantly...rule number six:


You were both happy with the arrangement. You both got what you wanted and were free to leave at any time. But then it got complicated, just like it always did. You knew that you should have been smarter than to think that this would work without any problem.

You thought it would be fine because never, in a million years, did you ever think that you would fall for Micah Bell. Micah thought it would be fine because he never thought that he would fall for anyone. Yet, here you both are.


It started with rule number one being broken. It seemed like innocent teasing but you then realised that it was plain flirting. You never spoke a semi-kind word to each other but now the rest of the camp was noticing the flirty banter that you had both began to share. As time went on you and Micah just kept getting closer, finding yourselves genuinely enjoying each other's company and spending more time together. This wasn't what you both had agreed on but neither of you complained about it so it just kept happening.

Everyone in camp knew that you two were hooking up but before you both started spending so much time together, they thought it was nothing serious. Now, they could all see that you had both obviously formed an emotional attachment as well. They all knew it but neither of you knew it.


Then you both broke rule number 5. You weren't meant too, it wasn't exactly a choice. You had been on a job together and a storm had caused you both to take shelter in a run down cabin. You both decided to make the best out of a bad situation and once the deed was done, you didn't really have a choice but to spend the night in the cabin together. You set up your bed rolls at opposite sides of the cabin.

You both managed to break rule number 4 in the same night. The storm was bad and the cabin was old. It was freezing, you were both shivering no matter who much you both wrapped yourselves up in your clothes and bedrolls. Micah was complaining about the cold and you pointed out that if you both didn't warm up soon, you were going to either get sick or freeze to death. So you both moved closer to the fire in the centre of the cabin. You woke up the next morning, wrapped in Micah's arms. You couldn't even remember how you both got there but you knew that you had broken two rules that night. You both decided to never talk about it again. It was a matter of your well-beings, nothing more than that.

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