Arthur Morgan: In Sickness and Health

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Arthur Morgan X Female Reader

Summary: You catch Tuberculosis instead of Arthur.

Word Count: 1750

You hadn't been well for some time now, you didn't know what it was was but you knew it wasn't good. You had been coughing more and more recently, you've lost weight, you've got no appetite, and you've been getting tired very easily.

You sat on the edge of your cot, you had just been hit by another wave of fatigue and needed to rest. You started violently coughing, so much that it hurt, you grabbed a handkerchief to cough into. Once you stopped coughing you slowly pulled the handkerchief away from your face and reluctantly looked down at it. You sighed when to saw the specks of blood you had coughed up. You knew that you should go and see a doctor but you didn't want to worry any one, you would be fine, you've been through worse than this.

"Hey! Y/N! Where are ya, we need ya help!" you heard somebody calling you. You groaned before standing up, taking it slowly, you walked out of your tent and looked around for who was calling you.

You walked out into the camp but something wasn't right. Your hearing was distorted and your vision was going blurry.

"Hey, darlin' alright?" Arthur asked as he walked up to you, his smile quickly falling from his face.

"I...I'm fine" you nodded but as soon as you took another step forward your legs gave out beneath you. Then, everything went black.

Arthur's eyes widened as he lunged forward and caught you in his arms. He knelt down, slowly lowering you to the ground. "Y/N? Y/N...Y/N?..." Arthur kept calling your name, shaking his head, he couldn't lose you.

"Arthur? What happened?" Hosea asked as he hurried over to you and Arthur.

"I...I don't know. She just collapsed" Arthur told the older man.

"Alright, hold on" Hosea nodded as he reached over to you, checking your pulse. "Her pulse is fine but you have to take her to see a doctor" he told Arthur.

"Okay...okay...I've got to go" Arthur nodded as he picked you up, carrying you bridal style towards his horse.


The next thing you knew was that you were waking up in a doctor's office, not sure how you got there or what had happened before you got there. You groaned as you glanced around, seeing who you assumed to be the doctor and a worried looking Arthur. They were talking about something but you were still a little out of it, you couldn't focus on them.

You tried to sit up and that seemed to get their attention. Arthur hurried over to you and gently pushed on your shoulders to get you to lie down again. "Don't move, just relax. This is the doctor...he,uh...he did some tests and...well, he'll explain it" Arthur sighed, gesturing over to the doctor, knowing that he would explain everything much more calmly than the outlaw would.

"I have some bad news for you,'ve got tuberculosis. I'm really sorry, Miss, it's a hell of a thing" The doctor told you professionally but sympathetically.

"Well...what...can you do something?" You asked, almost blankly. That was a lot of information to take in, especially after you just woke up not knowing where you were.

"It's a progressive disease. You'll be...well, the best thing is rest and getting somewhere warm and dry, and taking it easy. Now, is that possible?" The doctor asked but he already knew the answer just from looking at you both.

"Sure, she can just take her winters in our country club in California" Arthur answered sarcastically, with a scoff and a roll of the eyes.

"Arthur..." you sighed. You knew that Arthur wasn't going to take this well but right now you just needed you talk to the doctor right now.

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