Sadie Adler: I'd like the Company

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Did someone ask for this? I don't know. Is this very self-indulgent? Definitely.

Sadie Adler X Female Reader

Summary: The reader couldn't help the feelings she had for Sadie Adler, the strongest women she knew. The reader doesn't understand how she has such strong feeling for another woman but Sadie helps her come to terms with them.

(Little warning: period typical homophobia exists but isn't really mentioned)

Word Count: 2150

Sadie was amazing, you would even go as far to say perfect. She was strong and extremely capable, she made you feel safe and comfortable all at the same time. She was intelligent and funny. You loved her, you knew you did. You didn't understand how you could love her in such a away but you did. Was it normal for you to feel this way towards another woman? All you knew is that she couldn't possibly return your feelings, which you actually thought would make the whole situation simpler.

You sat at a table in the middle of camp, your attention focused on sewing some holes in some of the men's clothes. "Y/N" Sadie smiled as she walked up to you, leaning forward on her hands on the table as she spoke to you. "I'm going into town to pick something up for Dutch, thought I would get a drink while I'm there. Care to join me?" she asked, her smile making your heart flutter.

"Oh...I-I don't know. I don't really do jobs outside of the camp" you shook your head, your cheeks turning a light shade of pink as you looked back down at your needle and thread. You were pretty sure that you would only make a fool out of yourself, you always got so flustered around Sadie.

"It's real simple, plus I would really like the company with a drink" Sadie encouraged, leaning towards you a little more to try to see your face more clearly.

"A-alright" you smiled, packing up your sewing materials before standing up. Sadie followed you back to your tent, where you put everything away, before she led you towards the horses.

Sadie mounted her horse with practised ease before holding her hand out for you, you smiled as you placed your hand in hers and let her help you mount the back of her horse. You sat side saddle, as you were wearing a skirt, unlike Sadie. You never had much interest in clothes but when Sadie returned to camp with Arthur, wearing a shirt and pants for the first time you swore that your heart skipped a beat. She wore pants much better than any man you had met.

You cautiously wrapped your arms around her waist as you both rode away from the camp. You liked the feeling of holding Sadie like this but you knew that it wouldn't last, the ride into Valentine was silent but you still enjoyed everything second of it. Once you both arrived in Valentine, Sadie dismounted the horse and helped you down like the kind woman that she is.

"Alright, I just have some mail to pick up and then we can get that drink" Sadie told you and you just nodded.

You went with her to pick up the mail, which was nothing of much importance or interest to either of you. Sadie tucked the letters away in her satchel before you both headed towards the saloon.

In silence, you both sat at the bar and ordered your drinks. You fumbled around for your purse but stopped when you felt Sadie place her hand on yours. "Don't worry. I dragged you out here, I'll pay for the drinks" she smiled, handing the bartender the money before he walked away.

"You make it sound like I don't want to be here. Trust me, I would much prefer sitting in a saloon with you than sewing the men's clothes back together" you chuckled as you relaxed and took a sip of your drink. Sadie just smiled at that before taking a sip of her own drink.

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