Andrew Milton: Bargaining Chip Part 6

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Andrew Milton X Female Reader

Summary: Despite promising to never see each other again, you and Andrew have a conversation that leads to you both making some drastic life decisions.

Word Count: 2400

It was an accident, it really was. At least, it was an accident on your behalf, you couldn't speak for Andrew Milton.

It had been a while since you last saw Andrew, the last time you saw him was when he walked out of the Van der Linde camp and Dutch gave you a second chance. You hadn't seen him since then and you thought that you would never see him again. Since you last saw him, everything had gone to Hell. Gang members, family members, were either leaving or dying. It was breaking you all apart and breaking you all down individually. You weren't sure how much longer you could all last.

You had just been in town, taking a break from the growing chaos that was the Van der Linde gang. You didn't know what to say when you saw Agent Milton standing on a street corner, staring right at you.

Now, here you where, sitting at a table in the back of a saloon with Andrew by your side. This wasn't how you had seen the day going but you couldn't say that you were disappointed to see him again, you had missed him.

"Ross is holding this whole thing over my head...if I do one thing that he doesn't like, he can go to my superiors. I would probably lose my job" Agent Milton spoke up. You had both been sitting in silence for, what felt like, an eternity. Neither of you really knew what to say because neither of you really knew where you stood with each other.

"I'm risking everything by just talking to you. Dutch has given me another chance, he took my word for it. If someone sees us together, they'll assume that I ain't loyal. I'll lose everything" you replied, reminding him that you also had a lot to lose from just sitting here.

"I guess we both have a lot on the line" Milton sighed, taking a sip from his drink.

"Then why am I here? It's not an accident that we ran into each other, I'm not stupid Andrew" you asked, fully looking at him for the first time since you entered the saloon. There was noway that Andrew just happened to be in the same town at the same town, he knew that you were here.

"You would've preferred to never see me again?" Andrew asked, praying that you wouldn't say 'yes'. Surely, you had to be as glad to see him as he was to see you.

"It would've been easier..." you shrugged, looking back down at your drink. "...but no, I suppose not" you admitted with a sigh.

"...come with me" Andrew whispered, the sentence sounding more like pleading than a demand.

"Where are you going?" you asked with a soft chuckle, since he didn't seem to be going anywhere.

"I mean...I mean leave the gang and come with me" he corrected himself, turning his body to face you.

"I...Andrew...I...I can't just do that" you shook your head, unable to look him in the eyes.

"If you agreed to come with me, I wouldn't be able to hide that from the agency" Milton told you but you weren't sure that it exactly supported his case.

" would lose your job?" you asked, this was something that you already knew.

"Most likely. If I were them, I would fire me" Milton nodded, making you chuckle to yourself. Your laugh made Andrew smile a little.

"You're willing to lose all of that...for me?" you asking, finally meeting his gaze.

"I'll find a job elsewhere. I'm sure I could find something decent, it may not be as good as the agency but I'm confident that we could find something" Andrew nodded, his tone slowly gaining confidence.

Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن