John Marston: Take what we can get

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John Marston X Female Reader

Summary: You and John have had feelings for each other for a long time, before he had a son, but Abigail didn't like that you were so involved with each other. When you and John finally confess your feelings to each other and start an official relationship, Abigail gets jealous and you decide to be completely honest with her about how you feel.

Word Count: 3000

You had known John for a while, you had been close since you joined the gang, but then Abigail joined the gang. When she first joined the gang she was a prostitute and slept with most of the men in camp, you never looked down on her because of her profession, you were actually quite fond of her.

You knew that John had been with her a few times and it hurt you, it hurt you that John was sleeping with anyone but he had no obligations to you. You were just friends. You also knew that John had no feelings for Abigail, he liked her as a person but he had no romantic feelings for her.

What really killed you was when Abigail became pregnant and told John that it was his child, you were certain that you could never be with John now. You even thought that he might marry her or something just out of responsibility to her. You had been beginning to think that you and John were close to getting together, so close, but that hope soon disappeared.

After Abigail told John about the pregnancy, he came straight to you. John could always go to you when he needed advice. Despite the pain you felt, you told him that if it was his child he had to be involved, you told him to do what he thought was right. He confessed that he wasn't confident that the child was his and you couldn't really blame him for being paranoid about it, technically it could be anyone's child but you would take Abigail's word for it, you didn't think of her as a liar.

Now Jack is four years old. You and John have gotten even closer over the years. You loved Jack, he was a great kid, but sometimes you wondered if you and John would be together already if it wasn't for Abigail and Jack.

John still wasn't completely convinced that Jack was his son but he still treated him as such, mostly because you made him do so during the first year of his life. Now John sees Jack as his son whether he biologically is or not, he loves him as a son no matter what.

You never wanted to get in the way of a family and you hated the situation that you were in but you loved John and you knew that John loved you too. You knew that John loved Jack but you also knew that John didn't love Abigail, even after the past four years. You also knew that Abigail didn't love John, not truly. He was the father of her child and her only way out of this life, John could take his family to live somewhere better than this...but he could never leave you and there was noway that Abigail would be okay with you living with them elsewhere. So they stayed a the camp, parents but not lovers.

After Jack's birth, your friendship with Abigail was lost. You believed that she resented you for being closer to John than she was.


You sat at the campfire with John, quietly talking between yourselves like you often did. You both could just talk for hours and never get bored. John laughed at something that you said and that was when Abigail walked over to the both of you.

"John, I need you to do something" Abigail told him. You held back your sigh, deciding not to comment on how rude she sounded.

"What is it?" John asked patiently, looking up at her.

"Jack said that he left his storybook at the other camp, he is pretty upset about it. Maybe you could look for it for him, and if you can't find it maybe you could get him a new one?" Abigail asked, now sounding more genuine. You were pretty sure that she was only tense because you were here.

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