Dutch van der Linde: Civil Agreement

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Dutch van der Linde X Female Gang Leader Reader

Summary: Dutch organises a meeting between the van der Linde gang and a new gang that seems to have settled in the area, hopefully they can come to some sort of agreement.

Word Count: 1850

You were waiting. Waiting for the members of the van der Linde gang to arrive at your camp. Your gang was relatively new to the area but had made a name for yourselves already, at least in the eyes of other gangs and outlaws. One of you men had a run in with a member of the van der Linde gang and apparently they weren't too happy with you stepping on their turf, and the leader of the gang wanted to talk to you with the hopes to come to a civil agreement.

You were sitting around a table in your camp, playing a game of poker with some of your gang members. You glanced up and saw one of your men talking to a group of unfamiliar faces, who you assumed to be the gang you were waiting for. Your man nodded, throwing his cigarette to the floor before turning away from them and walking towards you. You both nodded at each other and you stood up, patting the man on the shoulder before approaching the three three members of the van der Linde gang.

"Ah! Miss! We are looking for the man in charge" the man in the middle explained, he had dark hair and was dressed a little nicer than the other two. He looked older than the one on his left but younger than the one on his right.

"Well, you found her" you smiled sarcastically, holding your arms out as if to present yourself to the three men.

"Oh...Miss L/N then, I assume" the middle man spoke again, clearly trying not to act surprised that you were the leader of this gang. It was rather clear that he had been expecting a man.

"And you must be Dutch van der Linde" you nodded, stopping to stand in front of the men.

"That I am, Miss. These are my associates, Hosea Matthews and Arthur Morgan" he nodded and he introduced the two men accompanying him.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you all. Was it one of you that spoke to one of my man?" you asked, glancing mainly at the man named Arthur since he best fit the description that you had been given.

"That would be me, Miss L/N" the younger man, Arthur, nodded politely at you.

"In that case, I guess that I should thank you for this little meeting, Mr Morgan" you smiled at him before turning back to Dutch. "Now, Mr van der Linde, shall we have this conversation somewhere more private?" you asked him, gesturing for the three men to follow you as you turned and walked back towards the centre of the camp.

"That sounds wonderful" Dutch nodded as they followed you.

"Mr Matthews, Mr Morgan, please make yourselves comfortable. Help yourselves to food and drinks, and try not to cause any trouble, some of my men have a tendency to get a little territorial" you warned them as you gestured towards the centre of the camp were most of the members of your camp were talking and drinking. "You can come with me, Mr van der Linde" you smiled as you turned back to the other man. Dutch nodded at you before sending Hosea and Arthur a glance, as if to tell them to behave, before following you towards your tent.

You allowed him to step into your tent before stepping in behind him, turning to close the canvas before turning back to him.

Dutch looked around the tent and nodded approvingly, it reminded him a little of his own tent. This tent was larger than the other tents in the camp, suitable for a leader, their was a bed at the back of the tent that had multiple furs thrown over the sheets for added warmth. There was a table against the left wall of the tent with two chairs pulled up to it, facing each other. One the other wall was a small bookshelf, stacked with books my multiple different authors, and on top of that bookshelf sat two drinking glasses and a collection of various liquors.

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