You get Shot and They Take Care of your Wound

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Arthur would sigh and frown as he cleaned and bandaged your wound, honestly you scared him because he thought that he lost you for a moment. He wouldn't look you in the eye or say anything and you knew that part of him felt guilty even though it definitely wasn't he fault. He relaxed as you combed your fingers through his hair, making him look at you as you smiled softly. Just after he finished with the bandages he would accept the gentle kiss you gave him, before pulling you into his arms and just holding you for a while.

"You're going to be okay...I promise ya"


Dutch hated that he couldn't protect you when you were shot but he also knew that this wasn't about him, he needed to make sure you were back in fighting shape as soon as possible. He cleaned your wound before bandaging you up, all while telling you how to avoid getting into situations like that again. You would just listen and roll his eyes. Afterwards he would apologise for rambling and kiss the top of your head before laying you down on the bed, lying beside you with a tired sigh. He would just stroke your hair while you fell asleep, he wouldn't be able to sleep and would be watching over you all night.

"I won't let this happen to you again, my love. You're safe here"


Micah definitely lectured you about being more careful, telling you not to get shot making you mumble about how you didn't get shot on purpose. He would be silent as he cleaned up the wound and bandaged it. Seeing you get shot like that, sitting here bandaging you up, Micah realised just how afraid he actually was of losing you. You knew that he was overthinking like he usually did, so you lifted your hand and stroked his cheek gently. You smiled and told him that you were fine for the millionth time, he just sighed as he finished bandaging you up and sat beside you. You leaned on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around you, buried his face in your hair, just wanting to hold you for a little while.

"You've gotta be more careful...gonna get yourself killed..."


Charles would try to keep you calm, speaking softly and telling you that everything was going to be alright and telling you that he loves you, as he cleaned your wound carefully and bandaged you up. Afterwards he took your hand in yours, telling you that he loves you and that he didn't want to waste a moment with you (the shot might have scared him slightly about losing you). He stayed by your side until you were fully healed, he wouldn't risk something happening to you while he wasn't around.

"It's alright love, just try not to strain yourself"


Javier was careful and precise when cleaning your wound, making sure there was no chance of infection, and just as careful as he bandaged you up. He would press a very gentle (so you could barely feel it) kiss on top of the bandage, making you smile slightly. He would then cup your face in his hands and kiss you tenderly, telling you that you would be perfectly fine and that he wouldn't let anything bad happen to you.

"I got you, hermosa. I ain't gonna let anything bad happen to you"


Sean would fuss over you for sure, constantly asking you if you are alright and if there is anything he can do for you. He would clean your wound and bandage you up, apologising with wide eyes whenever you flinched or hissed in pain. After assuring him that you were alright and that he could continue, he would nod and continue carefully. After bandaging you up, he would pull you into his arms and kiss you quickly, telling you that he was happy you were alright. It was sad to see him anything but cheerful.

"I got ya darlin', gonna keep you safe"


Hosea was probably used to patching up all sorts of wounds by now, but this time you were the one who was shot and that made everything different. That made it hurt just that much more. He would clean your wound and bandage you up, shushing you when you flinched or hissed at the pain. Afterwards he would kiss your forehead and tell you to take it easy, suggesting that you stay in bed for a while, thankfully lying beside you while you got comfortable.

"Get some rest, I'ma be here when you wake up, you're going to be just fine"


Kieran would try to keep his emotions to himself, truthfully he was worried and scared, he would admit that to you but he didn't want to show it right now. He had to focus on making sure you were alright. He cleaned the wound and bandaged you up, repeatedly glancing up to your face to see if he was hurting you. Once he was finished he would tell you that he was scared about losing you, smiling softly when you wrapped your arms around his neck and he buried his face in the crook of your neck.

"I ain't gonna lose you...I can't lose you Y/N"


John would try his best to patch you up. He would clean your wound and mutter an apology every time you flinched or hissed, glancing up at you to make sure you are alright and feeling guilty for hurting you. Then he would bandage up your wound before pulling back and sitting beside you. You took his hand in yours and smiled at him, promising that you are alright and that you will be back to normal in no time. 

"I'm gonna look after you, I promise"


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