Charles Smith: Can't do this Alone

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Charles Smith X Female Reader

Summary: You and Charles lost your child during childbirth and it has had a lot of lasting affects on you. Charles tries his best to help you but finds it difficult to see you in such a state. When you fall pregnant again, you are filled with anxiety and worry. Angst with a happy ending!

WARNING: smut in the middle, start and ending will be marked so that you can skip it. Also, the death of an infant.

Word Count: 2300

When you and Charles found out that you were pregnant, you were both incredibly happy. Charles had always wanted a family and so had you, now you were starting a family together, it was perfect. Charles had always wanted to move to Canada to raise a family so that's exactly what you did, you said your goodbyes to the gang and moved to Canada to have the baby. You got your own little ranch, perfect for a little family.

Just as neither of you thought that anything could go wrong, your world collapsed around you both.

There were complications during childbirth and the baby died, it destroyed you.

It had taken time for both of you to return to any form of normalcy, it took a long time for you to even be able to get out of bed. You knew that Charles was keeping the ranch running, keeping you well and alive, you wouldn't be able to cope without him. You loved him so much, now more than ever because you knew that without him you would have given up already.

Charles knew the pain that you were going through and he understood that, even though he was heartbroken by the loss, this could be even harder for you to deal with.

Recently you had been reclusive and barely ever left the house and avoided it at all costs, but at least you were able to get out of bed now. You were acting distant and cold towards Charles, he didn't quite understand why you were acting that way but he knew that it was probably a normal reaction after everything you had both been through.

To put it simply, you had been depressed and you had very good reasons to be so.

Charles had been trying to slowly bring you out of it, knowing that it would take a while but he was willing to wait. But it was still hard on him too.

Whenever Charles complimented you, which he often did anyway, you would protest and insist that he was lying or that he was wrong. Any self-confidence that you had, had been destroyed. What hurt him the most was that whenever Charles touched you in a way that wasn't completely platonic, like a hand on the shoulder, you just seemed to hate it. You seemed almost disgusted and wanted to get away from him.

Charles knew not to take it personally. What really hurt him about your reaction to his touch was that he knew that your disgust was aimed at yourself, not at him.

You had been trying to deal with this tragedy on your own, refusing help from anyone. Charles knew that you both had to do this together if you both wanted to get through this.


It had been a hard day for you, one of the bad days, one of the days were you simply couldn't get out of bed. So that's exactly where you were, in the bed.

Charles walked into the bedroom to check on you, a plate of food in his hands. "Love, I've brought you something to eat" he spoke as he walked over to the bed. You were laying on your side under the sheets, with your back to him.

"I'm not hungry" you mumbled, staring at the wall on the other side of the room.

Charles sighed as he placed the plate down on the bedside table and sat on the bed beside you. "You have to eat something, you haven't eaten all day" Charles told you, placing a hand on your arm.

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