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Yeeun's POV:

"Okay, Mingi! I'm sorry!" I shouted as my boyfriend slammed me against the lockers and held me there. His already dark eyes darkened even more and I swallowed hard. "How many times do I have to tell you, Yeeun? Do not use that tone with me." He spat back, his face mere inches away from mine as if he was trying to intimidate me. It was working.

I should be used to it by now. I've been dealing with this for nearly a year now, but every time Mingi gets angry with me, I still get scared. And he loves it. I can see how much he loves seeing the fear in my eyes and knowing that he has the upper hand in this relationship.

"Sorry," I said softly, looking down at the floor and just wishing he would let me get back to class. I'd already missed a good ten minutes. There was no doubt in my mind that I'd be questioned by my teacher about why I was "in the bathroom" for so long.

"Hey," Mingi whispered, his whole demeanor changing. This I was used to. He gets rough with me, but when his anger subsides, he'll lower his voice, and top it all off with a kiss.

He tilted my chin up, making me look into his eyes once again. That dark shade of black was replaced with his usual brown color. Sure enough, he leaned down and kissed me softly. Even though my body was trembling and I was still angry with him, I kissed him back. I know what happens when I don't. He'll just get angry all over again.

When he finally pulled away, he told me to get back to class and I nodded, hurrying off.

As I walked back to class, I tried to ignore the growing pain in my back. Mingi must have slammed me against those lockers a bit too hard. I sighed, in no mood to go back to class and to be scolded by my teacher. All I wanted was to go home, lay in bed, and cry out tears of frustration and anger.

It hasn't always been like this with Mingi. He and I became friends in the beginning of our freshmen year. Then, at the start of junior year, he asked me out and we've been dating ever since. It wasn't until the middle of junior year that Mingi changed completely.

It all started after we hit a rough patch a few months after we started dating. We'd been fighting for weeks. At one point, Mingi was so angry that he made out with another girl right in front of me. I'd reached my breaking point and told him we were over. Only then did he break down and beg for another chance. I was stupid and forgave him.

After we worked things out, everything changed. The Mingi I'd known since freshmen year was gone and replaced by a rough, possessive, over-protective boyfriend. I didn't know what was happening to him or why he'd changed, but I was afraid. Too afraid to break up with him. I didn't know what his reaction would be, but from dealing with this Mingi for nearly a year, I figured it wouldn't be good.

So here I am, stuck in a bad relationship, wanting nothing more than to get out of it. But I don't know how to without getting hurt.

Mingi's never really beat me up. He usually just pushes me or grabs me roughly. Only occasionally will he hit me. I'd have to make him really angry to do that. But I wouldn't categorize him as abusive.

I reached to door to my class and took a deep breath before pulling it open. Inside, mostly everyone was focusing on our assignment and paid no attention to the dark brown-haired girl who'd just walked through the door.

I tip-toed over to my open desk, trying to sneak past my teacher and hopefully avoid any questioning. But as I sat down, I managed to knock over my textbook which caught Mr. Seo's attention.

Quickly, I picked up my book, read the assignment off the board, and tried to make myself look busy. But when I heard footsteps coming my way, I knew I was in trouble.

I blinked once and suddenly Mr. Seo was in front of me, arms crossed over his chest. I gulped nervously. Could this day get any worse?

"Miss Kim? Would you care to explain why you were out of class so long?" He asked, his eyebrows raised at me. I glanced around the room, finding a couple of kids staring at me. Some were trying to hold back their laughter.

Avoiding Mr. Seo's hard stare, I shook my head in response to his question. I heard one girl giggle from the back of the room and I hoped it wasn't at me.

Sighing, Mr. Seo knelt down in front of my desk. "Yeeun, this is the second time this week. One more of these incidents and I'm going to have to give you a detention. Understood?" He asked, speaking in a softer tone so the other kids wouldn't hear him. I nodded, keeping my head down. He wasn't the first teacher to threaten a detention this week. Mingi's pulled me out of class multiple times, and that's not making my teachers very happy. If only they knew the truth about why I was missing so much class time.

"You and I both know that you're a better student than this." Mr. Seo said before standing back up and returning to his desk. Slowly, I felt the other kids eyes tearing away from me. I tried to relax, but then I felt my eyes start to sting with tears. I swallowed hard.

Through the rest of class, my main focus was fighting back tears instead of the assignment we were given. One tear slipped and I quickly wiped it away, hoping no one saw it.

At the end of the day, I tried to hurry out of school to avoid Mingi, but he unfortunately caught up with me.

"What's wrong?" He asked when he noticed my grim expression. I shrugged. "Just a bad day," I replied, barely above a whisper. "Aww..." He cooed, pulling me gently into his arms.

I would've smiled at this if I didn't have such a crappy day. Mingi can be rough with me, but he still has his moments like this. Sometimes when he sees that I'm feeling down, he'll just hold me gently in his arms. Not so tight that his hold bruises my skin, like it often does.

Mingi gently kissed my forehead before pulling away slightly. "Do you want to go to my house?" He asked and I reluctantly shook my head, afraid of his reaction. "No, I'd rather just go home," I told him meekly. Surprisingly, he nodded understandingly. "Okay, baby. Is it okay if I come over for supper later?" He asked. I didn't want to make him angry by denying him again, so I nodded.

He smiled softly. "Okay, good. I'll see you later." Leaning down, he kissed my lips gently and I willingly kissed him back this time. I wished he could be like this all the time.

"I love you," he whispered against my lips. I gave him a small smile that wasn't forced unlike most of my other smiles toward him.

"I love you too." I replied, unsure if I meant it or not.

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