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Yeeun's POV

It was Friday, but my mom allowed me to stay home and catch up on some sleep. I'd told her how difficult it was to sleep in a car and she understood completely.

The two of us had a long talk last night about why I left. Thank goodness I'd prepared for this conversation.

I explained that Mingi and I had gotten into a fight and that I just needed some time to myself, away from him and everything else. While she was still upset that I ran away, she was understanding. Then she went on to tell me that she did the same thing a couple of times while she was with my dad. The only difference was that when she got back, she paid for it.

I hoped Mingi wouldn't make me pay for it as well.

I tried to sleep in the next morning, but I was forced out of bed at 9:00 a.m. thanks to the doorbell. Tiredly, I trudged down the stairs and over to the door before swinging it open.

Suddenly, I was wide awake as my eyes met Mingi's. He was leaning against the door frame, a smile tugging at his lips.

"I figured you'd stay home today," he said with a small chuckle. I swallowed hard, feeling my body begin to tremble in fear. He didn't seem like he was in a bad mood, but Mingi' emotions are a big, unpredictable roller coaster. One little thing that upsets him can change his entire demeanor in the blink of an eye.

"Can I come in?" He asked. I opened my mouth to tell him "no"but nothing came out. I was too afraid to deny him, but too afraid to let him in as well. I frowned, feeling like I was always ending up in this position.

"Baby?" Mingi spoke after I didn't answer him. "Are you okay?" Still, no answer as I stared him. He sighed, stepping into the house and forcing me back a few steps. He shut the door behind him before grabbing me by the waist and pulling me close. I shuddered in fear.

"Yeeun, listen to me," he said gently, gazing at me with soft eyes. "What happened the other day was a huge mistake. But I promise you that it's never gonna happen again."

All of a sudden, my throat was burning as tears welled up in my eyes. I hadn't cried since the night Mingi strangled me, but it was like all of those emotions were coming back to haunt me.

"Baby, shhhh," Mingi cooed as he pulled me into his chest and held me there. "It's okay."

I let my tears fall and soak his grey t-shirt as I cried into his chest.

"Please don't hurt me anymore," I whimpered, sounding so desperate and afraid. Above me, Mingi exhaled and pressed his lips to the side of my head. I thought he wasn't going to answer me, but then he took me by surprise.

"I won't." My jaw nearly hit the floor.

Sniffling, I removed my head from Mingi chest and looked up at him in shock. I couldn't believe what I'd just heard.

"Y-you won't?" I stuttered, blinking away my tears and wondering if this was just a dream. One corner of his lips curved upwards and he reached down to take my hand in his.

"Come here." He said, stepping around me and pulling me towards the living room. He gently pushed me onto the couch before taking a seat in front of me on the coffee table. He took a deep breath before speaking.

"Baby, while you were gone, I did a lot of thinking. I knew that you ran away because of me and what happened," he paused and sighed. "I've never felt so awful about myself before."

His voice had lowered noticeably and his eyes fell to the floor. My heart ached for him for just a moment before I realized that he deserved to feel so lowly about himself. It would never compare to all of the emotional and physical pain he's put me through, but it was something.

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