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Yeeun's POV:

After a nice, romantic dinner with Mingi, we ventured out on our walk. It was dark out as Mingi lead me down a paved path that curved through a rather large park. Dim lights lit our way, creating a somewhat romantic atmosphere.

"This is really nice, Mingi," I said, my arm lopped through his. He smiled, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. "I'm glad you like it, sweetheart." He replied, kissing the top of my head sweetly.

He's been doing all these sweet, romantic gestures all night. For once, he was acting like a gentleman towards me. But I didn't get my hopes up of it lasting. If I say or do one thing wrong before the end of the night, all this behavior goes away. All night, I've been extremely careful.

It upset me, knowing that other girls don't have to be so diligent and careful with what they do and say with their boyfriends. I envied them.

"What's on your mind, sweetheart?" Mingi asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. "What?" I stalled while I came up with a decent lie. "You just seem to be thinking really hard about something," he pointed out. "Oh," I replied. "I'm just...worried about a test I have tomorrow. That's all," I lied. He chuckled and wrapped his arm around me. "You'll do just fine. I promise." I smiled at his sweet comment, even though I lied about the test.

He kissed my forehead gently while guiding me further down the path. The park was vacant of any other people, except for one other couple that was walking many yards in front of us. They appeared to be an older couple, enjoying a romantic evening together.

Suddenly, Mingi took my hand in his again and started pulling me down another path that was connected to the one we were previously walking on.

"Mingi, what are you doing?" I asked in between giggles as Mingi continued to pull me along behind him. I suddenly frowned and got nervous that he was going to take me somewhere where he could hurt me without anyone noticing. What did I do? I wondered. I thought I'd acted perfectly for him all night.

I relaxed when he pulled me to a stop in front of a fountain. The water was a clear blue and there were coins lying on the bottom. Mingi dug into his front pocket before holding out a coin to me.

"Make a wish," he encouraged with a small grin on his face. I bit my lip and took the dime out of his hand. Then I closed my eyes, thinking of a good wish. Not that it would come true anyway, but still, it's fun to dream.

I wish Mingi would stop hurting me...

I tossed the coin in without thinking twice.

Mingi came up from behind me, wrapping his arm around my waist. "What did you wish for, baby?" He whispered into my ear. I could feel his breath on my neck and I shivered. "I can't tell you, otherwise it won't come true," I told him. He chuckled, sending a chill up my spine. "Fair enough."

I looked up at him. "You should make a wish," I said. He smiled, reaching into his pocket, and digging out another coin. Then he stepped away from me, closing his eyes for a few moments before tossing the penny in. It slowly sunk to the bottom, resting next to the thousands of other coins.

Then he walked back over to me, pulling me into his chest and kissing me softly. I laid my hands on his chest and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I couldn't believe how sweet he was being with me tonight.

"I love you," he whispered against my lips. He didn't even give me chance to say it back before he kissed me again. This time, it was deeper and rougher, but still loving.

I moved my hands up, wrapping my arms around his neck and lightly tugging on the ends of his hair. His hands started to roam over my body. He licked my bottom lip, asking me to part my lips for him to slide his tongue into his mouth. Reluctantly, I let him. I couldn't make him upset. Not after such a perfect night.

He pulled me as close as he could, squishing my body up against his. I moved my hands back down to his chest, trying to push him away a little to put some space between us. But instead, Mingi growled into my mouth and I grew afraid. So, I let him hold me as close as he pleased, knowing there was no point in fighting him. I never win anyway.

Eventually, Mingi's kisses got softer and sweeter. He wasn't holding me as tightly against his body and his hands were once again on my waist.

Slowly, he parted his lips from mine. We were both panting from our heated make-out session. Mingi softly smiled, laying his hand on my cheek. He stepped a little closer, making me feel and probably look much smaller than him. I always feel so tiny and frail next to him.

"Let's get you home, baby," he whispered. I nodded, and he softly pecked my lips once more before taking my hand and leading me away from the fountain.

We walked out of the park in comfortable silence. Once we reached Mingi's car, he sweetly opened the passenger side door for me. I gave him a shy smile before climbing in. He shut the door after me before walking over to his side and getting in.

Mingi held my hand the whole ride to my house. It was almost surreal how sweet he was being with me tonight.

Once we reached my house, Mingi walked me up to my front door. He leaned down, gently kissing my forehead. I closed my eyes, savoring the moment. I'd been soaking up his kisses and sweet gestures all night because there's no telling how he's going to be tomorrow.

"Thank you for tonight, Mingi," I said, softly smiling at him. He licked my lips. "You're welcome, sweetheart."

Then suddenly, he stepped very close to me. "Now, maybe you'll start behaving, huh? Then I won't have to make up for hurting you again, because you and I both know that you deserve it."

His words crushed me.

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