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Yeeun's POV:

That Friday night, I made sure to remember Mingi's game. Even though it was an away game and I didn't feel like driving there and back, I forced myself to go. The last thing I wanted was a repeat of last Friday.

During the entire course of the game, I paid almost no attention to what was happening on the field. Before I'd left for the game, my mom had told me that she would be going away for the weekend for a short business trip.

It was my perfect opportunity.

Over the past couple of days, I'd been thinking a lot about my dad and I came up to the conclusion that I wanted to visit him.

Call me crazy, but he was my dad and I wanted to meet him. Of course, I hate him for all the terrible things he did to my mom, but I was curious. I wanted to know if he was still the awful man, he was 17 years ago or if jail time has changed him. I wanted to know what he looked like and what his voice sounded like. I wanted to know if he felt guilty for what he'd done or felt absolutely no remorse.

So, after a little bit of research, plus a few questions for my mom, I found out where my dad was locked up. Fortunately, it would only be a half an hour drive for me, as I'd come to figure out during the game, thanks to Google.

Towards the end of the game, I started to pay attention. We were well ahead of the opposing team and I had a good feeling we were going to win.

Sure enough, we did. I watched as Mingi and his team celebrated, a smile barely tugging on my lips. It put me at ease, seeing Mingi so happy. If I was on my best behavior, I knew I was safe, at least for tonight.

Once the celebrating had ended, I made my way down the bleachers to meet up with Mingi. His mom, Mrs.Song, had beat me to him, though. She was hugging him and planting a sweet kiss on his cheek as she congratulated him.

When the two of them parted, Mingi looked up and noticed my presence. "Hey, baby," he said with a kind smile. "Hey." I replied, approaching him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest for a warm hug. I tried to enjoy it and not feel frightened since he always looks bigger and more intimidating in his football uniform.

"Aww," I heard Ms.Song coo as Mingi kissed the top of my head. "Mingi, you're so sweet with her." She said. A part of me wanted to snort and tell her how wrong she was, but I withheld it. I knew better.

Mingi chuckled and put some space in between the two of us but moved his arm so that it was draped over my shoulders.

"Well, I should be getting home," Ms. Song said with a sigh. "I'll see you later, Mingi, "she said to Mingi before kissing his cheek once more. "Yeah, thanks for coming tonight, Mom," Mingi replied. She smiled at him before turning to me. "It was nice to finally see you again, sweetie," She told me. I nodded in agreement. "You too, Ms.Song."

With one final smile at the two of us, Ms. Song turned and started walking towards the exit. Mingi and I both watched her go for just a few moments before I glanced up at him. He looked down and met my gaze, a charming smile spreading onto his face.

"You played really well tonight," I complimented, even though I'd hardly been watching the game. His smile widened just slightly, and he kissed my temple. "Thanks, Princesss. I'm glad you came."! He replied. I didn't really have a choice, I wanted to say, but chose to bite my tongue instead.

Mingi shifted the two of us so that I was now directly in front of him, my hands resting on his padded chest.

"Are your busy tomorrow?" He asked, wrapping an arm around my waist, his arm other busy with his helmet in hand. For a short moment, I panicked. I didn't want him to know about me visiting my dad. I knew he'd want to come with for support and protection, but I didn't want him to be there. This was something I had to do by myself.

"Yeah, actually, my mom and I are having sort of a girl's day tomorrow," I lied, hoping that I sounded convincing. Mingi frowned and sighed in disappointment, which I took as a good sign that he'd believed my lie. "Damn," he cursed. "I wanted to spend the day together."

I almost rolled my eyes. Every time Mingi and I try to spend a nice day together, it never ends well. Something always must go wrong whenever we're together for long periods of time.

"Sorry. Maybe next weekend," I offered. A tiny smile crept onto his lips and he leaned in close. "I'd like that." He whispered before capturing my lips with his.

I tapped my fingers nervously against the steering wheel of my car. I'd been sitting there for nearly ten minutes, debating on whether this was a good idea or not as I stared at the large, scary looking building in front of me. About halfway through my drive to the prison my dad was locked up in, I began to have doubts.

Do I really want to meet the man that used to beat my mother? I constantly asked myself. But then I would remember that this was the man that helped bring me into the world. This man was my father, and I had to meet him.

Before I could decide whether I was ready or not, I was hopping out of my car and locking it behind me. My feet carried me toward the visitor's entrance of the prison.

The building was quite large and frankly, it was scary just to look at. All the walls were made of a dark stone with gothic styled windows.

I almost turned myself around and hopped back inside of my car but forced myself to put on a brave face.

Adjusting the straps of my purse on my shoulder, I took a deep breath, put one foot in front of the other, and marched right inside.

Desire - ATEEZ MingiΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα