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Yeeun's POV

The alarm I'd set on my phone sounded, jolting me awake. Then I groaned. Three hours wasn't nearly enough sleep for me, but it would have to do for the time being.

My clock now read 12:01 and I knew that it was now or never. This is happening, I thought. I'm actually doing this. I'm actually running away.

My bag was already packed and ready to go. I'd packed enough clothing for maybe a week and didn't have much food. But I'd just have to make do for as long as I could.

I also tossed in as much cash as I had, which added up to 256 dollars and 45 cents. I hoped it was enough of money to tie me over for a while.

I wasn't quite sure of where I was going. I didn't want to go too far, but I didn't want to stay too close either. If I didn't go far enough, it would be easier for someone to find me, just in case my mom would call the police and send out a search party. Or worse, if Mingi came looking for me.

I wondered what his reaction would be like if he found me. Would he be angry and punish me? Or would he be relieved and hold me in his arms for an eternity?

Honestly, I didn't want to find out.

However, I didn't plan on being gone for long. 1-2 weeks, maximum. I just needed to get away from Mingi for a while. Before, I was afraid of him. Now, I was terrified of him. Hitting me and throwing me around was one thing, but choking me crossed a line that shouldn't have been crossed.

So, I grabbed my bag, a jacket, and my car keys and tip-toed down the stairs. In the kitchen, I left my mom a short note on the counter;

Mom, I need to get away from everything for a little while. I know you won't be happy about this, and I'll take whatever punishment you have in store for me when I get back. But for now, please don't worry about me. I promise to stay safe and to be home soon. I love you.


I blew out a long, shaky sigh, setting down my pen and sliding my note to the center of the counter. "This is it." I whispered to myself. Picking up my bag and grabbing my car keys, I made my way towards the front door. I slipped on my jacket and shoes, taking a deep breath. Then, I walked right out that door, leaving all my problems inside.

But as I got into my car, I wondered if I was making a mistake. Maybe I was overreacting about this whole predicament.

Should I turn around and face my problems like a big girl instead of running away from them? I asked myself. But then I remembered that I wasn't running away forever. I was simply in need of a break. There was nothing wrong with that. I needed some time and space to think about things, including my dad and what was going to happen between me and Mingi next.

I knew that breaking up with up with him wasn't an option. But there was no way I was letting this one slide. He went too far this time.

Sucking in a big breath, I started my car and slowly backed out of my driveway, still somewhat doubting my decision. But I knew that my options were either to run away, or to stay here with Mingi.

The right choice was clear.

So I drove off into the night, still trying to figure out where I was headed. All I knew was how relieved I was to get away from Mingi.

I was startled awake with a gasp at the sound of my phone ringing. Groaning, I grabbed it from the cup holder and read the name on the screen. Mom.

My phone continue to ring as I debated on whether to answer it or not. She probably would want to hear my voice and know that I was okay. On the other hand, she could've been furious and waiting impatiently to yell at me for running away. Or worse, she could've been sobbing and waiting for me to pick up the phone and listen to her beg me to return home.

Before I could come to a decision, my phone stopped ringing. I sighed, dropping it back into the cup holder.

I'd slept in my car overnight. Around 1 a.m., I decided that I was exhausted and couldn't drive any longer. So, I found a vacant parking lot to park my car in while I tried to get some sleep. But, it wasn't easy. A car isn't the most comfortable place to sleep. Not to mention, my mind was racing.

I couldn't stop thinking about Mingi and my mom and the rest of my family and Soyeon and my teachers and everyone else that would soon learn about my disappearance. I didn't want them to worry about me, but I was sure they would anyway.

My body jumped a bit when my phone started ringing again. Lifting it out of the cup holder, I flickered my eyes over the name on the screen. This time, it was Mingi.

My heart started pounding a little harder and faster. The hand holding my phone started to tremble a bit, but then I wondered why I was so nervous. No one was about to force me to answer his call.

I was on my own now, away from Mingi pushing me around and spitting commands at me. So, I hit ignore and set my phone down. As I leaned my head back, a half-smile crept onto my face.

I was free.

Maybe not forever, but at least for now. And right now is all that matters.



20+ chapter in, how are you feeling so far?

Do you think Yeeun made the right choice to leave or will it end up making things worse?

Also, remember that this is a work of fiction and i would never wish this upon anyone. I wrote this story to show awareness of domestic violence in teen relationships because it does happen. There aren't many writings on it so I thought I'd try it out.


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