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Yeeun's POV:

I don't know what came over me. Never have I spoken to someone so harshly before. But I admit, it felt good.

My dad deserved so much more than what I'd said to him for what he did to my mom. But I was satisfied, at least for the time being.

However, a small part of me did feel guilty. He's already served a lot of time in prison and he did say that he was sorry. Maybe I'd been a little too tough on him.

But maybe not. I don't know.

All I know is that I sat and cried in my car for ten minutes after I left the prison, so overwhelmed with so many emotions.

By the time I got home, the sun had set and the stars had come out. My drive home was nice and peaceful, but my tranquility vanished when I pulled into my driveway and Mingi's car was there. I groaned.

Taking my time, I hopped out of my car, locked it behind me, and slowly walked up to the front door. Mingi was waiting on the porch steps, wearing a black leather jacket over a gray sweatshirt. He stood up immediately when he saw me.

"Where the hell were you all day?" He shouted. I flinched and froze in place. "You didn't reply to any of my calls or texts." He said. I cringed inwardly. I'd been ignoring my phone all day.

"I-I was just--"

"I know you lied to me last night," he cut me off, slowly making his way towards me. I took a step or two back. "Mingi, please, don't do this tonight. I'm exhausted." I pleaded, running a hand down my face.

"Exhausted from what, Yeeun? Where were you?" He asked again. I shook my head, swallowing the lump in my throat. "Just leave me alone, Mingi." I said softly before I quickly passed him to get up to the front porch.

"Hey, don't you dare walk away from me!" He shouted behind me. I ignored him, fumbling for my house key as I hurried up the front steps. A hand took ahold of my wrist and pulled me to a stop before I could even reach the front door.

Mingi spun me around and harshly took ahold of my face, forcing me to look at him. "Where were you?" He spat, speaking slowly between clenched teeth. I gulped, trying so hard to be the same brave person as I was just hours before.

"It's none of your business." I retorted, somehow finding the strength to push him off of me. I spun around, rushing to get to the door to unlock it. But just as I had stuck the key into the deadbolt lock, I was grabbed once more and harshly shoved into the door.

"Enough with the attitude, Yeeun" Mingi shouted, pinning me against the door. "Let go of me!" I shouted right back at him, squirming underneath him.

Just as he lifted his hand to hit me, I'd found the adrenaline to shove him away, turn around, unlock the door, and get inside of my house.

Immediately, I locked the door behind me and then leaned against it. I felt Mingi begin to angrily pound his fists against the door. "Yeeun!" He yelled from outside. "Open this fucking door right now!"

"No!" I shouted back, hearing the shakiness in my voice. I was so afraid.

Releasing a sob, I sunk to the floor, with my back against the door. Mingi's fists only hit the door a couple more times before everything was silent except for the sound of my hiccups.

"Yeeun," I heard Mingi say, his muffled voice suddenly calm and gentle. "I'm sorry, baby. Please open up." I didn't listen. I was almost certain that his sudden apology was only a trick to get me to open the door so that he could barge in and start hitting me. So I continued to sit there against the door, letting my tears fall.

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