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Yeeun's POV

Both Mingi and I had forgotten the real reason he came over that day. We were too distracted by what almost happened.

But I hadn't completely forgotten. I was still upset with him for what he did to Soyeon. We needed to talk about it, but I didn't know how to bring it up again. I knew Mingi just wanted to forget everything that happened. But I didn't know how bring myself to do that. I needed to confront him about what happened, for Soyeon's sake. I couldn't just let it slide.

So, I texted Mingi, asking him to meet me in the school parking lot the next morning before classes started. I was already there, just sitting in my car with my arms around the steering wheel and my chin resting on top of it.

The radio was playing quietly as I stared out the windshield at the cloudy sky. I got lost in thought for what only felt like mere seconds. However, it must have been a few minutes because Mingi's car pulled into the spot next to mine, snapping me back into reality.

Taking a deep breath, I opened my door and stepped out of the car. Mingi came around the back of his car, wearing a pair of jeans, and a light grey t-shirt under a leather jacket.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked, approaching me. I stuffed my hands into my back pockets and pursed my lips for a moment.

"We still need to talk about what happened between you and Soyeon yesterday," I told him. A flash of annoyance was visible in his honey brown eyes. He ran his right hand through his hair. "Baby, it's fine. Just let it go." He said taking a step towards me. I stepped back, crossing my arms.

"No, Mingi. It's not fine," I countered. "You attacked her!"

"Yeeun, I was just mad about her trying to take you away from me. I'm sorry, okay?" He replied, calmly. I sighed, giving him no reply.

Mingi's jaw clenched and I tried to ignore the growing pit in my stomach.

"Look, I apologized. What else do you want from me?" He asked, raising his voice. I flinched, feeling my heart rate pick up with anxiety. I could see him getting angrier and angrier with every second that I remained silent.

Suddenly, I grunted as my body was harshly shoved up against my car. Oh no, I thought. No, no, no. Please, don't let this happen again.

Mingi approached me, pinning me against the car. He towered over me with his angry, intimidating stature. Why? Why is this happening again?

"You gonna answer me?!" He spat in my face, glaring at me with dark, stormy eyes. I looked away. "Mingi, please. Calm down." I pleaded in a weak, shaky voice. My plead was ignored.

"Answer my damn question, Yeeun! What else do you want from me?" He shouted. I felt a tiny surge of bravery run through me and I took advantage of his question.

"I want you to calm down, Mingi," I said, my voice just as shaky as before. "Please, get off."

And that's when I realized that I'd made the wrong decision; I should have trusted Soyeon.

Mingi raised his hand and smacked it across my face before I could even blink. I stood there shocked, my body trembling uncontrollably.

"You don't tell me what to do," he spat before pushing himself off of me. He then turned away from me, about to march off. Then he froze, slowly turning back to me with guilt and horror written on his face.

"Yeeun," he whispered. I managed to hold back my tears as realization of what he had just done came over him. "No, no, no," he was mumbling to himself as he tugged furiously on the ends of his hair.

I swallowed before taking a deep breath.

Then, I said the two words I never thought I would ever be brave enough to say to Mingi.

"We're done."

His wild eyes sprung up to meet mine, but I was already moving towards my car.

"Yeeun, no!" He shouted just as I opened my car door. I ignored him, hopping into the drivers seat and slamming the door quickly behind me. I locked the door just as Mingi threw himself up against the car, pressing his hands to my window.

He began repeatedly apologizing and begging me not to leave him. I continued ignoring him and started the car. I buckled my seatbelt before throwing the car into reverse.

As all of the was happening, I was fighting back the tears that desperately wanted to escape my eyes.

I quickly backed my car out of its parking space and sped off, leaving Mingi behind.

I dared myself to take one peek in the rear view mirror, just in time to see him fall to his knees on the pavement and cover his face with his hands.

His figure blurred as my eyes filled with tears. Finally, I let the flood gates swing open.

I sobbed like a baby for the next three and a half hours.

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