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Yeeun's POV:

"So, where are you taking me, Song?" I asked Mingi, glancing over at him as he focused on the road. He smiled, glancing back at me. "How does a walk through the park sound, Kim?" He asked. I smiled. "Sounds perfect."

He focused back on the road, but not before taking my hand in his and kissing it. Then he laced our fingers together and rested both of our hands on his lap. I gazed at our clasped hands and wished it could always be like this.

"What are you thinking about, sweetie?" Mingi asked, breaking me from my thoughts. I looked up at him and smiled softly, shaking my head. "Nothing, "I replied before moving my eyes so that they were staring out the window. "Come on, tell me." Mingi encouraged. I sighed inwardly, knowing this was a battle I wasn't going to win.

I put on the best fake smile I could and said, "I just love moments like this." Mingi smiled at me, kissing my hand again. "Me too, sweetheart." He agreed.

The rest of the drive was quiet except for the hum of the engine and the radio playing softly. Once we got to the park, Mingi hustled over to my side of the car, opening my door and helping me out. His behavior today was the exact opposite of last night when he was throwing me around like I was a football. I wondered how he could go from so controlling to so sweet in less than 24 hours.

Wrapping his arm around my waist, Mingi guided me through the same park he'd taken me to on our date. We walked slowly, talking and sharing a few laughs.

Eventually, we came to the fountain and Mingi pulled me to a stop. He looked at the fountain, smiling softly before he looked down at me. "Has your wish come true yet? "He asked. I pursed my lips, remembering the wish I'd made a couple weeks back.

I wish Mingi would stop hurting me...For a little while, it did seem like my wish came true. Mingi went quite a few days without hurting me at all. But then last night happened.

I sighed, shaking my head in reply to his question. He chuckled, taking ahold of my waist and pulling me into his chest. "Maybe you could tell me what you wished for then." He suggested. My eyes widened a bit. I hoped it wasn't noticeable.

I couldn't tell him what my wish was. He would not be happy.

"U-um...I still can't tell you," I stuttered nervously. Mingi smirked, taking one step closer to me. "And why's that?" He asked. I bit my lip, coming up with a quick and clever answer. "Because it could still come true." I said. Mingi rolled his eyes.

"Come on. I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours," he offered. I smiled a bit. "Okay, tell me yours." I told him, laying my hands on his chest. He grinned, resting his forehead against mine and tightening his arms around my waist.

"I wished that you and I could be together forever." He said, his tone much softer than before as he gazed into my eyes. I blinked multiple times, processing what he'd just said. Together forever?

I'd never really thought about my future with Mingi before. But now, I was, and I already knew how it was going to go; Mingi would propose to me and I'd be too afraid of making him mad to say no. We'd get married, move in together, and that's when the beatings would start.

Just like what happened between my mom and dad.

I was suddenly overwhelmed, afraid, and a little dizzy. Mingi steadied me when I stumbled a bit. "Whoa, whoa. Sweetheart, are you okay?" He asked, concern clearly in his tone. I blinked a couple more times, trying to get my head on straight. "Y-yeah. I think I just need to sit down for a minute." I replied, not meeting his eyes.

"Okay," he replied, carefully guiding me over to a nearby bench and sitting me down. Then he crouched in front of me, gently rubbing his hands up and down my arms. I could tell he was being careful not to apply any pressure to my fresh bruises.

"What's the matter, baby?" Mingi asked, scanning his eyes over my face. I couldn't comprehend his words. All I could do was think about how afraid I was of the future. Of our future. I couldn't do this forever. I could only take so many slaps and shoves from Mingi. But I knew that breaking up with him was out of the question. I'd always imagined that if I did, he would hit me until I apologized and promised to stay.

"Hey," Mingi cooed, his tone soft and gentle. He reached up to cup my cheek. I flinched the second I felt his hand touch my cheek and for some reason in that single moment, I remembered every single slap I' d received from him.

"S-sorry," I stuttered, trying to recollect myself. " I don't know what came over me." Mingi moved his hand to my back, rubbing it gently. "You alright?" He asked, his eyes still full of concern. I nodded, trying to clear my head and bring myself back into the present.

I couldn't let myself worry about the future because there was no telling what it will hold. Things could be different. Mingi could be different.

He leaned over and kissed my temple gently, running his hand down my back one last time. "Should we keep walking, or do you want to rest for a little while?" He asked so sweetly. I smiled at his consideration for me. "I'm okay. We can keep walking," I told him assuringly. He looked unconvinced. "Are you sure?" He asked, and I nodded my head. He sighed, giving in. " Alright."

Standing up, he held out his hand to me. I took it in mine and he helped me up, off the bench.

We finished our walk, then went out for a nice lunch together. Mingi brought me home afterwards but decided to stay with me for a little while longer. He and I ended up on the couch, watching a movie.

But during all that time, I was distracted, too busy thinking about what Mingi said earlier 'I wished that you and I would be together forever.'

To any other girl, his words would have made their heart melt. But for me, his words made me feel sick to my stomach. Because I was afraid of the future.

What if Mingi never changes? What if he gets worse? What if I end up like my mom?

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