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Yeeun's POV:

I tip-toed my way through the hallways on Thursday morning, keeping an eye out for Mingi. I knew he was bound to approach me and try to apologize again.

This was my first day back since our break up on Tuesday. I needed some time to myself so that I could think things through and cry as much as I felt I needed to. My mom completely understood and told me I could take as much time off as I needed.

She still didn't know the real reason Mingi and I had broken up, and I had no intention of telling her the truth anytime soon. It was wrong to continue protecting him and I knew that. Still, I couldn't help it. I was too afraid to tell her that I'd been trapped in a bad relationship, just like she was with my dad all those years ago. I didn't even want to imagine her reaction. She would be absolutely devastated to find out that I'd gone through the same hell she had.

The only person that knew the truth about Mingi was Soyeon, and that was how I intended to keep it.

"Yeeun!" Her voice called from behind me. I flinched at first, thinking it was Mingi for a split second. Then my brain processed Soyeon's voice and I relaxed.

I turned around and forced a smile as she approached me.

"Hey," she said cheerfully as she reached my side. "Hey." I replied, my tone of voice completely opposite of hers as I turned back around and began walking again.

"Are you okay?" She asked, noticing my glum mood. I sighed. "Yeah." And it was the truth. I truly was okay. I simply didn't want to be at school today, or any other day for that matter. Not with Mingi potentially lurking around every corner, waiting for the perfect opportunity to beg for my forgiveness.

I was afraid I'd fall for his smooth apology and deceiving gentleness just like every other time he'd begged me to forgive him.

"Are you sure?" Soyeon asked as we reached my locker. "You don't seem like it." I dialed in my combo and shoved my things inside before releasing a big, dramatic sigh and slumping against the lockers. Then, I took a couple seconds to pick out the right words.

"You were right," I finally said. "You were right about him."

Soyeon's cheerfulness vanished from her eyes, replaced with empathy as she slowly came to figure out what I meant. "Oh, Yeeun," she whispered. "Please tell me you broke up with him."

Closing my eyes and pursing my lips, I nodded. When I opened them again, she was smiling sadly. "I know it's hard," she said. "But you did the right thing."

"I know," I replied, pushing myself off the lockers and gathering my books from my locker. "I just...I really don't want to see him today. Or ever again," I continued. "And I hate to feel that way about someone that I loved and invested so much time in."

Soyeon gave me a light, comforting pat on the back. "I know how you feel. I felt the exact same way after I left my boyfriend. But, trust me. It gets easier." I nodded, even though I didn't believe her.

After slamming my locker shut, Soyeon and I made our way through the endless crowds of people that packed the hallways.

The minute I got home that afternoon, I immediately climbed the stairs to my room and collapsed onto my bed. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and let myself find some tranquility after my long day.

Either Mingi didn't come to school, or I magically managed to avoid him all day. Thank goodness we didn't have any classes together. I might have never returned to school again.

After laying there on my back for ten minutes, I was close to falling asleep. I was startled out of slumber when my phone began buzzing next to me.

Sighing, I reached for my phone and read the name on the screen. I sat up and squeezed my eyes shut when I found Mingi's name and picture smiling up at me.

I swallowed hard. Before I could process what I was doing, I tapped the green 'accept' button.

"Mingi, please, just leave me alone," I found myself pleading, exhaustion and desperation evident in my voice. "No, baby," he replied. "Not until you take me back."

I wanted to scoff as I stood up and began pacing the room. "Why the hell would I take you back?" I asked, steeling myself from his silky smooth words and sweet tone of voice.

I heard Mingi sigh on the other end. "Look, Yeeun, I know I really screwed up this time. But, I promise--"

"Don't, Mingi. Don't make me another promise you're not gonna keep, I cut him off. "Yeeun, I'm gonna keep my word this time. Just give me another chance." He replied, sounding like a desperate little boy. I almost, almost fell for it. But I caught myself before he could catch me himself.

"No, Mingi. I've given you too many second chances. You don't deserve any more," I said firmly. He was silent for a few moments. I could just picture him stressing out as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Baby, please," he begged. "I need you."

"Yeah, you need me to throw around like a rag doll when you get mad." I quickly retorted.

Mingi went dead silent. I waited a few seconds for him to make some sort of response. When he didn't, I continued.

"Soyeon was right about you," I told him. "You're never gonna change and I was stupid to believe that you would keep your promise."

"Yeeun, it was an accident!" Mingi finally spoke, trying to defend himself. I shook my head. "You don't just hit someone on accident, Mingi."

"Fine, I made a mistake. But it's never gonna happen again because I see now how much I really need you." He paused to take a deep breath before continuing. "Look, I thought hurting you would make you stay with me, but obviously I was wrong and I'm sorry for that."

I froze in place, completely and utterly confused.

Did I just hear him right? He thought hurting me would make me stay?

My head was spinning and I didn't have the slightest clue as to what I was supposed to say.

Without another word, I hung up on him and tossed my phone onto the bed.

I clasped my hands together over my forehead, wondering to myself what the hell he was talking about.


A/N: 3K THANK YOU!! I thought I would update to show my appreciation! I love you all lots, thank you for reading and commenting it means the world to me. I hope everyone has an amazing weekend.

My birthday is in a few hours, 19!! Finally. Again thank you so much! Double update tomorrow maybe?????


Desire - ATEEZ MingiDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora