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Yeeun's POV:

"You ready to talk?" Mingi asked, standing in my doorway the next day. I raised my eyebrows slightly. "Do I have a choice?" I asked, only to wish that I hadn't a moment later.

Mingi's eyes darkened as he stepped inside without an invitation. I backed away, flinching when he slammed the door behind him.

"Why do you think you're so brave all of a sudden?" He asked, nearing me. I moved farther away from him every time he took a step towards me. This so-called bravery that he was talking about had suddenly vanished.

I tried to sputter out some sort of reply, but both my brain and my voice had stopped working. All I could do was continue to back away until I finally managed to bump into the wall. Mingi continued to advance towards me until there was hardly any space left in between us. His hands met the wall, trapping me in place.

"Fine. If you're not gonna answer that question then maybe you'll answer this one," he took a pause. "Where were you yesterday"

At the mention of yesterday, I somehow found my voice. "I told you, Mingi. It's none of your business," I told him, wishing I'd sounded and looked more confident.

"Yes it is, Yeeun! I'm your boyfriend!" He shouted at me. I snapped. "Then start treating me like a boyfriend should!" I retorted.

Suddenly, I felt a harsh grasp around my throat as I was lifted up, only to be tossed onto the floor. I hit the ground with a grunt, rolling onto my side and taking in large breaths after practically being choked.

A lump formed in my throat as I released a sob. I could hear footsteps towards me, but I remained still, sobbing like a baby on the floor.

A large hand took ahold of my arm, lifting me up from the ground. I met Mingi's dark, angry eyes as he held my face.

"I treat you the way you deserve to be treated," he spat as a tear slipped away from my eye. I gasped when he threw my trembling body against the wall and pinned me there once more. "Now," he said. "Tell me where you were yesterday."

Releasing a shaky breath, I dropped my gaze to the floor. I knew I had two options; tell Mingi the truth, or add another couple of bruises to my body. I decided on the first option, tired of both the physical and emotional pain.

"I-I was visiting my dad in jail." I stuttered in reply, still avoiding Mingi's eyes. The space between us fell silent. I lifted my right hand to my face, wiping away the tears that were still falling.

"Why?" Mingi finally spoke, repeating the same question I'd asked my dad yesterday. I closed my eyes and shook my head. I refused to tell Mingi anymore. He had no right or reason to know why.

"Let go of me," I demanded calmly. Mingi didn't listen. "Answer my question," he replied, ignoring me. I scoffed, feeling the anger and annoyance build itself up inside of me. "Why do you think that you have a right to butt in to every second of my life?" I snapped at him, too fed up to think about the possible consequences.

His grip on me suddenly tightened. I tried not to focus on the pain and loss of circulation in my arms. Instead, I was trying to remember how to be as brave as I was yesterday.

"What did you just say to me?" Mingi questioned, taking a step closer to me. I was trying to force myself to not feel intimidated as he towered over me with dark eyes and a furious expression. But it wasn't easy.

When I said nothing in reply, Mingi raised his right hand and slapped me hard. I could feel my tears returning as the stinging sensation sank into my skin.

"Stop talking back to me, Yeeun," Mingi spat through clenched teeth. "I am sick and tired of your attitude. Either you can start behaving or I'll--"

"You'll what?" I challenged. "You'll hit me? What else is new?"

Bad idea.

Mingi's eyes darkened to an entirely new shade. They were now pitch black and glowering at me in pure anger.

Suddenly, one hand had wrapped itself around my neck again, this time, much tighter. Instinctively, my hands flew up, trying to pry his away from my neck, but it was no use. I was desperately trying to take in a breath of air, but my airways were completely blocked off.

"Mi-M-Mingi..." I wheezed, tears pouring from my eyes like waterfalls. My whole body was trembling in completely fear, horror, and agony. I'd never felt so immensely terrified before.

I'm going to die, I thought to myself. Mingi is going to kill me, right here, right now.

What was I thinking? I should've known that trying to stand up to Mingi wouldn't work. It never has and it never will. He's the lion, I'm the lamb. He's strong and powerful, I'm weak and defenseless.

What was I thinking?

All of a sudden, the anger and darkness in Mingi's eyes vanished. Now, he simply looked shocked. Almost horrified.

His grip on me was no more. I collapsed to the floor, sobbing hysterically in between huge gasps for air.

"Yeeun," I heard Mingi whisper from above me. I blinked once and he was in front of me, trying to hold me, but I was screaming with what little of my voice I had left after being strangled. I was squirming and fighting my way out of his grip with strength and willpower I never knew I had.

"Baby, please. I'm so sorry." Mingi said, speaking so gently to me. Once more, he tried to gather my shaking body into his arms, but I refused. Pushing on his chest harshly, I was on my feet and running, up the stairs and into my bedroom. Mingi was closely behind, calling after me, but I'd closed and locked my door just in time.

Instantly, he started to furiously knock on the door, begging me to let him in. I slowly backed away from the door and into the bathroom. I locked that door as well for my own assurance.

My legs were too weak and wobbly to hold me up. Once again, I collapsed onto the floor, breaking down into a fit of violent sobs. I was covering my ears, trying to block out the sounds of Mingi calling my name and hitting his hand against the door, desperately wanting to get in.

Eventually, everything stopped. My sobs had died down and Mingi had gone quiet outside my bedroom door. I was huddled into the bathroom corner, hugging my shaking knees against my chest.

I can't do this anymore, I told myself. I refuse to live like this. I know I deserve better than this. I deserve better than Mingi.

I was turning into my mom and Mingi was turning into my dad. That was the last thing I wanted to happen. Yet, I let it happen. I let things go this far. I let Mingi try to kill me.

But I'm not letting things get any worse.

I need to get out of here.

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