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Yeeun's POV:

I furiously rubbed concealer onto the two hickeys that Mingi left me on Saturday. My hair had been hiding them from my mom all weekend, but since I was going to school, I wanted to be extra safe.

Once I was satisfied, I shoved my make-up back into the bathroom drawer and walked out. Downstairs, my mom had just made fresh homemade, chocolate chip muffins. They smelled so good.

"Morning, honey," my mom said to me. "Morning." I replied, kissing her cheek. She handed me a muffin and I immediately took a bite out of it. It was still warm from the oven and tasted amazing. "These are really good, Mom," I told my mom. She smiled. "I'm glad." Then she looked at the clock and gasped. "But you might wanna finish that in the car so you're not late for school."

She quickly gave me a hug, told me to have a good day, then practically shoved me out the door. I rolled my eyes, took anther bite out of my muffin, and walked out to my car.

The drive to school went quick. Before I knew it, I was pulling into the parking lot, looking for an empty space. I guess I really was late, considering there were hardly any open spaces.

Finally, I found one and then hurried inside the building to make sure I wouldn't be late. Fortunately when I got inside, the hallways were still crowded with students and teachers. I pushed my way through the crowd, barely managing to get to my locker. Mingi was there waiting for me, along with a couple of his football buddies.

"Hey, babe," he said, once he noticed me. "I was wondering where you were." He leaned down and kissed my cheek before going back to his friends. I huffed and dialed in the combination to my locker. Once I got it open, I stuffed my bag inside and grabbed my books before slamming it shut.

Turning around, I almost ran straight into Mingi's chest. I didn't realize he was standing right behind me. Glancing over, I realized that his friends had left.

Mingi reached up, moving my hair out of the way and running his thumb over my neck. He furrowed his eyebrows. "Why'd you cover them up, baby?" He asked, referring to the hickeys he gave me. I shrugged. "I didn't want people to see," I told him honestly. He chuckled. "Let them see. Then they'll know you're all mine."

He licked his thumb and tried to rub away the make-up. "No, Mingi!" I hissed in a low tone, swatting his hand away. He gave me a stern look. "How many times do I have to tell you not to talk to me like that, Yeeun?" He asked, taking a step closer. Uncomfortable with his close proximity, I backed up, only to fall into the lockers. Mingi came closer still and put his hands on either side of my head.

"I-I'm sorry," I stuttered nervously. I shouldn't have snapped at him like that. But then I remembered all of the people around us. Mingi wouldn't hurt me in front of them.

He shook his head, then tilted it to the side, fixing his gaze on me. "I don't know what's going on, but you've had a big attitude with me lately. I don't like it," he said. I swallowed hard. Sighing, he took his hands off the lockers and took one step closer to me so that our bodies were pressed against each other. I had to tilt my chin up even more just to look him in the eye. He was a tower compared to me.

"I just wish you would behave, sweetheart. But you just don't seem to want to," he said, running his thumb softly over my cheek repeatedly. His tone was sickly sweet and it made my stomach churn. "Is your mom working today?" He asked. I lied and shook my head, knowing where he was going with this. He cursed under his breath.

"Then we'll just have to go to my place. I want you over there right after school, okay? We'll talk about this then." He said. My body started to lightly tremble. A "talk" with Mingi usually meant I get hurt, especially if we're alone. I know his mom won't be home after school, which gives him the perfect opportunity.

Leaning down, Mingi roughly placed his mouth on mine. I had no choice but to kiss back. If I didn't, it would only make it worse for myself later. When he pulled away, he moved his mouth to hover just above my ear. "If you don't show up later," he paused and chuckled menacingly in my ear, giving me chills. "Well, I think you know what'll happen, baby."

With that, he walked away, leaving me pressed against the lockers. The expression on my face probably made me look terrified. And I was.

"Yeeun!" A voice called, making me jump. Then I furrowed my eyebrows. Who would me talking to me? No one ever talks to me. Mingi always scares them away. But when I saw Soyeon in those familiar, black glasses, my confusion faded.

"Hey," she said, coming up to me. "You promised you were gonna call me this weekend." My eyes widened slightly as I remembered promising Soyeon I'd call her after the football game. "O-oh, yeah. Sorry, I uh...got busy," I lied. I couldn't tell her that my crazy, possessive boyfriend deleted her number because he doesn't let me socialize with anyone except for himself and my mom.

"Oh, well maybe we can hang out tonight then," she suggested. I shook my head, knowing how angry Mingi would be if I stood him up, especially if I stood him up for Soyeon. "Uh, no, I can't. I already have plans," I told her, bending the truth slightly. She huffed, then frowned as her eyes scanned over my face.

"Yeeun, are you alright? You look a little pale," she said. I nodded quickly, knowing it was because of Mingi. "Y-yeah, I'm fine." I assured her.

Just then, the warning bell went off. Saved by the bell. "I better get going," I told Soyeon, quickly stepping away without a second glance. "Call me!" She exclaimed as I hurried down the hallway.

"I wish I could." I muttered to myself.

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