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3rd Person P.O.V.

Mingi frustratedly tossed his phone across the room after Yeeun ignored his call. He wasn't mad at her. He was mad at himself.

He knew he shouldn't have choked her. A line was crossed this time and now, Mingi didn't know if things would ever be the same.

He was scared. The last thing he wanted was to lose Yeeun. He loved her more than anything, no matter how many times he hurt her. He knew he had a good reason behind every slap, shove, and harsh word.

"She didn't answer for you either, huh?" Ms.Kim guessed as she returned to the living room where Mingi was. He tossed his head into his hands, shaking his head.

"This is all my fault," he muttered as Ms.Kim sat down next to him. "Oh, sweetie," she cooed, wrapping an arm around him. "It's not your fault."

"Yes, it is," Mingi cut her off. Ms.Kim furrowed her eyebrows, removing her arm from around Mingi. "Why do you think that, honey?" She asked, tilting her head a bit in curiousity.

Mingi froze. He couldn't tell her the truth, no matter how much he hated lying to her. Besides, he was so ashamed of what he did. Saying it out loud, to Yeeun's mother, would tear him to pieces. He didn't even want to imagine her reaction.

"We got into a bad fight yesterday. And I screwed up." He said, not lying but not telling the whole truth either. His right hand found his hair and tugged at the ends.

"How did you screw up?" Ms.Kim pursued, moving her hand to his back. Mingi shook his head before rising to his feet. "I'd rather not talk about it." He replied, hoping she would drop it. He didn't have a good lie prepared if she continued asking questions.

"It was that bad, huh?" Ms.Kim guessed, cringing a bit. Mingi sighed, nodding his head as he recalled the events of their fight.

He remembered the way he shouted at her. But he knew she deserved it for trying to keep secrets from him. However, when he remembered the way his hand was tightly clasped around her neck, the guilt chewed him to bits and swallowed him up.

He felt sick, recalling the way she desperately gasped for air while trying to beg him to let go.

"Well," Ms.Kim spoke, standing up as well. "I know you're worried about her, and I am too. But in her note, she promised to stay safe and to be home soon. There's nothing we can do until then."

Mingi turned sharply to face Ms.Kim. "Yes, there is!" He cried. "We can call the police and tell them to go out and look for her!"

He knew that he sounded desperate, but he wanted Yeeun back. He wanted to hold her in his arms and know that she was safe. He wanted to apologize over and over again until she forgave him. He wanted to say "I love you" a million times, just to make sure that she knew and understood how much he loved her.

He wanted all of this and he wanted it now.

"Mingi, calm down," Ms.Kim cooed in a gentle voice. "Yeeun will be fine. She's a strong girl and she knows how to take care of herself."

Mingi took in a couple deep breaths, trying to process her words. He knew that she was right, but he didn't want her to be.

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