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Yeeun's POV:

I felt Mingi's lips touch my cheek softly as I laid beside him on his bed, staring at the ceiling. All I could think about was that picture of my dad. I couldn't decide if I was angry or just annoyed with my mom for refusing to talk about him. If she would have at least told me his name, I wouldn't be so upset.

"What's the matter, baby? You've been quiet all day," Mingi said softly, moving so that half of his body was hovering over me. He gently cupped my left cheek in his hand, and I closed my eyes, melting into his touch. He's been so good to me these past couple days. I was still careful and kept my guard up with him, though.

"Nothing," I replied, opening my eyes again and glancing at him. I watched as his jaw clenched, making me hold my breath. "Don't lie to me, Yeeun," he warned, but kept his tone soft. I looked away from him. "Sorry." I apologized quietly.

Mingi sighed softly, running his thumb over my cheek. "Just tell me what's wrong," he said, tilting his head to the side a bit. I bit my lip, returning my eyes to his. "It's my dad," I admitted. Mingi furrowed his eyebrows. "Your dad?" He asked, confused.

I sighed and pushed my palms into the mattress so that I could sit up a little, my back against the pillows. "My mom showed me this picture of him yesterday, but when I asked her about him, she wouldn't tell me anything," I paused, looking down and twiddling my thumbs. "I just really want to know who he is." I paused, looking down. "Or was." I mumbled.

Mingi leaned down, softly and slowly kissing my lips. "I'm sorry, baby." he whispered against my lips before kissing them again. "Let me take your mind off of it."

Before I could reject, Mingi crawled on top of me, resting his hands on either side of my head. He pressed his lips to mine again. I squirmed underneath him, pulling away from his lips and moving my head to the side.

"No, Mingi." I objected. "Shhh," he hushed, ignoring me. He parted from my lips, trailing kisses down to my jawline. His kisses were so soft and delicate, which hardly ever happens. But I wasn't in the mood for a make out session now.

"Mingi, please." I begged, pushing at his chest. Suddenly, I roughly grabbed my wrists and pinned them down on the bed. "Shut up, Yeeun." he growled before his lips attacked my neck. I should've known that sweet Mingi wasn't going to stick around for long. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe that he'd changed, but I guess I was just proven wrong.

His grip on my wrists was tightening and I whimpered. He sucked on my neck, grazing his tongue over my skin, which felt kind of good. Usually, he makes it painful.

But I didn't want this now. I stupidly kept trying to fight him.

"Mingi, please, stop." I pleaded. He growled against my neck before pulling away. "What part of 'shut up' don't you understand?" He spat, his eyes dark and stormy. My throat started to burn as I fought back tears. Once again, he had the upper hand and I was defenseless.

"I'm sorry." I whispered meekly, moving my head to the side so that I didn't have to look into those terrifying eyes. I heard him huff before squeezing my wrists much tighter than before. Then he unexpectedly released them before pushing himself off me. I furrowed my eyebrows as he left the room, slamming the door behind him. I flinched.

Shakily, I sat up, utterly confused. I expected him to go back to giving me yet another hickey, but he didn't. I couldn't understand why he was acting so strange all the sudden.

Maybe he was trying to change after all.

I rubbed my aching wrists, a soft, red color marking where Mingi's hands were, just moments before. There would be two new bruises I'd have to cover up.

I sat there for a good five minutes, just trying to calm my trembling body. Mingihadn't come back and I wondered what he was doing. I didn't know if he was angry or not, but curiosity got the best of me. So, I got up and walked downstairs.

I found Mingi in the kitchen, his hands pressed against the counter as he leaned into them. He looked tense, but I couldn't tell if he was angry or not.

"Mingi?" I spoke, my voice softer than what I intended it to be. His jaw clenched. "No, Yeeun," he muttered, his voice low. "A-are you okay?" I stuttered nervously. I bravely took a couple steps towards him, only to quickly back away when he started to stride towards me.

I found myself against the wall, Mingi towering over me. His eyes were still dark and terrifying to look into. My body started to tremble again, and I looked away. Then he surprised me.

"Baby," Mingi whispered ever so gently, moving his face closer to mine. "I'm not going to hurt you." His voice was soft, but I couldn't bring myself to trust him. I refused to look into those stormy eyes, not knowing why I was so scared of him all the sudden.

"Hey," he said gently, brushing him thumb over my cheek. "Look at me, sweetheart." I couldn't bring myself to do what he said, so he cupped my left cheek and turned my face so that I was facing him. However, I kept my eyes down.

"Yeeun," Mingi spoke softly, resting his forehead against mine. "I'm trying, okay?" Finally, I looked up at him. His eyes were no longer dark. Instead, they were their normal honey brown color and I relaxed just a bit.

"W-what?" I asked, not processing what he meant. He sighed, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him. He parted his lips to say something, but quickly shut them again.

"Nothing," he muttered. "I'm sorry I scared you," he apologized, changing the subject. I was puzzled with his odd behavior today but didn't question him. I just decided to be thankful for an apology. "It's okay." I whispered in reply.

He softly pressed his lips against mine. I obliged, kissing back while trying to stop my body from trembling. Mingi ran his hand up and down my back, trying to calm me down.

I was no longer thinking about my dad. Instead, I was thinking about Mingi and wondering why he was acting so strange all of the sudden. And what did he mean by "I'm trying"?

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