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Yeeun's POV:

I stared up at Mingi's house, my heart beat racing. I didn't know what to expect from Mingi, but I knew it would be bad, judging from his behavior earlier at school.

I wanted nothing more than to turn around and race home, but I knew better. Once, I tried to get out of a situation like this with Mingi, but I only made it worse for myself.

So I built up every ounce of bravery I had in me, got out of my car, and slowly walked up to the front door. I knocked softly, hoping Mingi  wouldn't hear it. Unfortunately, he did and he swung the door open.

His face was emotionless, and I took that as a bad sign. "Go upstairs, baby. I'll be there in a minute," he said, his voice sounding rather dull. I nodded, stepping inside and doing as he said.

Walking into his room, I made sure my phone was in my back pocket, just in case things got really bad. But I'm certain Mingi wouldn't step too far over the line. He knows better.

Sighing, I sat down on his bed and looked at the pictures of us on his nightstand. One was a picture of us kissing, another of him holding me. I cracked a small smile, wishing he could always be as sweet with me as he was when we took those pictures. That was the Mingi I fell in love with.

I flinched when I heard the door open and slam shut. Mingi strode over to me, and I swallowed hard. He knelt in front of me, laying his hands on my thighs.

"Now, Yeeun," he began. I felt my heart beat start to pound like a drum in my chest. "You want to tell me why you've been having such an attitude with me lately?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. I had no answer. I didn't want to argue and make things worse, nor did I want to apologize for doing nothing wrong.

"Okay," he said, standing up and forcing me to lay back on his bed. He hovered over me with his hands on either side of my head. My chest was rising and falling quickly. "You don't want to talk to me?" He asked. I stayed silent. He chuckled rather evilly, slowly leaning down. Licking his thumb, he rubbed it over my neck, and I knew he was wiping away my make up to reveal the hickeys on my neck.

Then he nuzzled his head into my neck and softly started to suck on the spots where he'd already left a mark. It started out softly, but then got harsh and rough. He was starting to hurt me, and I whimpered loudly.

"Mingi, stop," I begged, my voice catching in my throat. Ignoring my plead, he roughly grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head. "You don't get to tell me what to do, Yeeun." He spat against my skin before he continued sucking the spot on my neck.

Suddenly, I felt him bite my skin hard and I cried out in pain. I felt tears well up in my eyes and didn't even bother trying to stop them.

After a few minutes of this, he pulled away from my neck and leaned his face down to hover right above mine. "Stop crying," he demanded. I tried to control my tears, but simply couldn't. I was too afraid. He growled in the back of his throat before pulling me up off the bed. I whimpered in pain as he threw me against the wall before roughly grabbing my face.

"Don't want to listen to me, baby?" He spat. I swallowed hard, tears falling like my eyes were made of waterfalls. I squeezed them shut, waiting and wishing for this to be over.

"Answer me!" Mingi shouted, slamming his hand against the wall, right next to my head. I sobbed, trying to sputter out something to say, but I couldn't. He growled again, throwing me to the side. I nearly fell but caught my balance just in time. Mingi was advancing towards me and the last thing I wanted was to get hurt again. So, I ran.

I swung open his bedroom door and dashed out into the hallway, but Mingi was right on my tail. "Yeeun!" He shouted angrily, grabbing my arm just as I reached the top of the stairs. He spun me around, raising his large hand. I squeezed my eyes shut as his hand came at my face. The impact was so powerful, I fell backwards and went tumbling down the stairs.

Thank God they were carpeted.

I landed on my side at the bottom of the staircase, groaning in pain in between sobs.

"Yeeun!" Mingi cried from upstairs, his tone completely changing from anger to worry. I could hear him hurrying down the stairs. I blinked once, and he was at my side, trying to move the hair out of my face. I flinched at his touch.

"Baby..." He whispered. "I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" He asked, rubbing his hand up and down my back lightly. I didn't answer him. Instead, I laid there helplessly on the ground and continued to cry.

"Yeeun, princess, can you sit up for me?" Mingi asked gently, tugging on my arm. I sniffled and took a deep breath before slowly sitting up. He took his hands to move all the hair out of my face.

Suddenly, I grew afraid as if my brain had just processed what happened. I started moving away from Mingi, scooting backwards towards the wall. A hurt expression crossed Mingi's face.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to," he said gently, trying to move closer. He reached out to touch me, but I flinched, and he pulled his hand back. My whole body was trembling with fear. "Hey, I'm not going to hurt you, sweetheart. It's okay," he said, trying to comfort me. It wasn't working.

"Stop," I begged in a whisper, looking anywhere and everywhere but at him. I heard him sigh in defeat. "Does it hurt anywhere, sweetheart?" He asked, keeping his distance. I didn't answer him. My body ached all over the place, but I doubted anything was broken.

"Yeeun?" He spoke again, trying to get me to look at him. When I felt his hand touch my face, I completely shut down and jolted to my feet, ignoring the pain it caused me. I couldn't be near him for another second. I was too afraid of him.

"Yeeun!" Mingi called after me as I hurried away from him and out the front door. It hurt to run, but I had to get away from him.

Hopping into my car, I jammed my keys into the ignition, quickly strapped my seatbelt over my body, and backed out of the driveway, but not before Mingi frustratedly pounded his fists against the hood of my car. I flinched, even though I knew I was safe from him now.

Once I pulled onto the road, I took a short glance at Mingi through my rear-view mirror. He was standing in his driveway, furiously tugging on the ends of his hair. I hoped he would beat himself up for this one.

On the drive home, I let my tears fall and my body was still shaking. I drove a little slower than usual because of my vision constantly blurring with tears. But when I pulled up to my house, I couldn't get inside fast enough.

Stepping inside, I decided I was tired of crying and let my anger step in. The first thing I did was march into the kitchen, swipe the flowers Mingi gave me off the counter, and smash the vase onto the floor.

It felt so, so good watching that glass shatter. If only Mingi were here to see that.

I kicked at the broken glass and dying flowers with my sneaker before marching away from the mess.

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