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Yeeun's POV:

My tired eyes slowly fluttered open, squinting slightly from the sunlight beaming through Mingi window. I sighed, slowly sitting up and stretching out my arms.

"Good morning, sleepy head," a voice said, making me look up. Mingi was walking towards me, still in his sweatpants and no shirt with disheveled hair. "Morning." I replied as he kissed my forehead.

"Did you sleep good?" He asked, sitting down next to me on the bed. I nodded with a small smile. "Me too," he replied, shooting me a wink. I rolled my eyes playfully, making him chuckle.

Then he stood up, releasing a yawn. He stretched while doing so, his muscles flexing with every move. For once, looking at them didn't intimidate or frighten me.

Once he was satisfied with his stretch, Mingi leaned down, one arm on either side of me. "What would my baby like for breakfast?" He asked. I raised my eyebrows at him. "You're going to cook for me?" I asked in surprise. He smirked. "Yeah, you got a problem with that?"

I laughed. "No. I just didn't know you could cook," I replied. He chuckled. "Well, I can't, but girls like it when guys cook for them, right?" He asked. I giggled, nodding my head. "Yes."

"Good. So, tell me what you want," Mingi said, moving his face a little closer to mine. I thought for a moment. "Pancakes sound good," I told him, biting my lip. "Then I guess we're having pancakes." He replied, leaning closer still.

I thought he was going to kiss me until he moved his thumb up, tugging my bottom lip away from my teeth. "Don't do that to me, baby. It's a major turn on," he whispered seductively before pulling away from me. I playfully glared at him as he winked at me before walking out of the room.

I rolled my eyes, getting out of bed. I trudged over to Mingi full length mirror, taking my hair out of the ponytail it had been in all night. All my hair fell over my right shoulder, exposing my left shoulder. I gasped when a fresh bruise revealed itself to me.

Reaching up, I lightly touched it. I must have gotten it from falling on that shoulder twice last night, thanks to Mingi pushing me. Two more purple bruises were on both of my upper arms from Mingi holding them so tightly last night.

I let out a sigh, just as a voice said, "Did I do that?" I jumped slightly, looking over to the doorway. Mingi was standing there, guilt written all over his face.

As he slowly approached me, I dropped my gaze to the floor, hanging my head. I said nothing to him. I knew he was standing behind me when I felt his breath on my neck. He leaned down, laying a delicate kiss on my shoulder, right where the bruise was. "I'm so sorry, baby," he whispered, kissing it again. I stayed silent.

He then moved his head to the side, so he could kiss the bruise on my upper arm. He did the same to my other arm before kissing my hair and resting his chin on top of my head.

Wrapping his arms around my waist, I heard him sigh. "Please look at me, baby," he begged me. I was reluctant, but obeyed him, lifting my gaze to the mirror in front of me. Mingi was staring at me through the glass, looking so sad and guilty. In a way, I felt bad for him.

"Everything I did and said to you last night, I didn't mean it," he said softly, gazing into my eyes and holding me tighter in his arms. My eyes began to water as I replayed his harsh words in my head.

"So, you think you can tell me what to do now?"

"Shut up, you b*tch!"

"Get up."

"Worthless piece of sh*t."

The last one was the one that hurt me the most. A tear slipped my eye and Mingi immediately reacted. "Hey," he whispered, turning me around in his arms. "Please, don't cry, baby." He begged, pulling me into a tight embrace. I let my tears fall. I didn't sob, but a couple hiccups escaped my mouth.

"Shhh," Mingi hushed me. "I'm so sorry, Yeeun" I continued to cry into his bare chest. Every word he tried to comfort me with went in one ear and out the other. All I could hear was his voice saying, "Worthless piece of sh*t."

"Please, baby," Mingi whispered. I could tell that he didn't know what to do or say. Nothing was getting through to me. "I'm sorry." He whispered, helplessly. A part of me felt bad. It couldn't be easy for him to see me like this and know that he caused it.

"It's okay," I whispered, trying to fight back the rest of my tears that desperately wanted to fall. Mingi pulled away, taking ahold of my face and wiping away the leftover tears on my cheeks. He gazed into my eyes, stepping closer so that his lips hovered over mine.

"I love you so much," he whispered, brushing his lips against mine repeatedly. "I love you too." I replied just before he connected our lips. He kissed me firmly, strengthening his grip on my face. Then he moved his head to the side, deepening the kiss. I was surprised at how much he was putting into one simple kiss.

I, on the other hand, was not. I was kissing back but didn't touch him anywhere else on his body. There were still some lingering feelings of hurt from what he said last night, even though I'd told him it was okay.

Mingi pulled away, but his lips lingered. He rested his forehead against mine. "I was going to ask you if you wanted chocolate chips in your pancakes," he breathed out, making me giggle a bit. "Yes, please," I replied. He chuckled, pecking my forehead before backing away. "I'll be downstairs. He told me. I nodded before disappeared into the hallway.

I sighed, looking in the mirror again. A white tank top hugged my torso while pajama pants that Mingi lent me from his mom's dresser covered my lower half. I moved my hair so that it was hanging over both of my shoulders instead of one. At least the bruise on my shoulder was covered.

I went downstairs, finding Mingi in the kitchen. He dropped two chocolate chip pancakes onto a plate before looking up and smiling at me. "Breakfast is served," he announced as I made my way over to the kitchen counter. I smiled, plopping onto a stool. "Thank you." I said as he handed me a fork.

The pancakes looked delicious, but I was still nervous to try them. Mingi's never cooked for me before, so I wasn't sure what to expect. I could tell he was feeling the same way.

I lathered the pancakes with butter and syrup before chopping off a piece of pancake and sticking it into my mouth. I was pleasantly surprised. They weren't the best pancakes I'd ever had, but they were good.

"How is it?" Mingi asked nervously as he watched me eat. I giggled, leaning over the kitchen counter to kiss his cheek. "They're good," I told him honestly, sitting back down. He sighed in relief. "Good." I giggled again before taking another bite.

Mingi made himself some pancakes and we ate together until we were full. "Thank you, Mingi, I said to him. He smiled, pecking my lips. "Anything for you, sweetheart."

He took both of our plates and set them down in the sink, then started to clean up the mess he'd left on the kitchen counter. I got up and helped him.

"I should probably get home," I told Mingi once we'd finished cleaning up. "No," he whined. "Stay here with me. We can go out and do something today," he offered. I smiled. "Okay, but I want to go home to shower and change."

The smirk that spread onto Mingi's face made me nervous. He stepped towards me, pulling me closer by my waist. "You can shower here with me," he said to me seductively, shooting me a wink. I laughed, pushing him away. "No." I objected.

"I'm kidding, babe," he chuckled, pulling me into his chest again. Leaning down, he pressed his lips against mine. "But, if you ever want to, don't be shy. Just let me know." He mumbled against my lips. I scrunched up my nose, pushing him away from me again.

"Stop!" I exclaimed in between giggles. He put his hands up in surrender. "Sorry." I rolled my eyes before brushing past him. "I'm going to go change." I muttered, hurrying up the stairs before he could stop me.

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