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Tae closed their gape by holding Kook with one hand and the other hand was holding his phone. He called someone and put the call on speaker.


"Hey Jin hyung! Where are you?"

"On road. Why?"

"Nothing. I was just wondering"

"Oh. I was with Jungkook a little while ago, he needed to do shopping and all so I helped. I dropped him and now going home."

"Go home safely then. I'll talk to you later hyung"

"Yeah. Ok"


"So you really were with hyung..."

Jungkook pulled a little to face Tae.

"Hyung are you drunk?!"

"uh.. Yeah a little"

"Little! I don't think so"

"Sorry. I was not feeling well and you were not at home also so I thought it would help me but it didn't."

Jungkook cupped Tae's face and made him look towards himself. Tae looked at him with hurtful eyes and Kook's heart ache at that.

"Tell me what is bothering you. I'm here right? I'll listen"

"I don't deserve love Kook. The person I loved never loved me back. The person I wanted to be with I never could. You know my first love I couldn't tell him till now that I love him. When I finally got over him after a lot trouble I found someone so like him. He resembles my first love so much. Sometimes I feel like I fell for exact same innocent bean. Though I don't deserve any of them. But now I think he don't love anymore. Maybe never did or didn't want me. We were supposed to meet for the first time but he didn't replied any of my text. Even I called him but he didn't pick either. I guess he changed his mind. He should've just told me. I know it will still hurt but he could've. "

A tear escaped Tae's eyes. Jungkook was at a loss of word. He never could've imagined his hyung can have this side. It was hurting him to see the elder this lost.

He just caressed Tae's cheek with his thumb and wiped the tears.

" Even you were not at home whole day. I was so alone. Why did you leave me? Why do you always leave me like this?"


Jungkook was confused with what just slipped Tae's mouth.

"Why don't you love me back?"

Jungkook is now beyond confused . Why is Tae asking such question to him. Though his heart skipped a beat hearing this.


'maybe he just thought me as his love. He is drunk so it's not impossible to hallucinate. I've seen so much movie. Should I play along to make him clam down, he is seriously suffering'

"You love me right?"

"Yes. Yes I do. So much. I love you as much as I could"

Jungkook paused as his breath hitched but he ignored and continue.

"Don't get hurt ok I love you. My
phone was silent so I couldn't pick. I won't do it again"

'Yeah he is my brother and I can
love him. It's nothing to say I love you. I told him before too'


"Yes everything I said is true"

Jungkook peck Tae's nose.

"Did you eat?"

"No. You?"

"Yeah You know Jin hyung.
Let's go eat"

"No let's sleep. I don't want to eat"

"Come on I'll feed you"



Jungkook mumbled then get off from his lap and take him to the dining table. After finishing he literally dragged Tae upstairs because of all the whining the older was doing.

Jungkook found Tae's this side so cute and thought that he would make food with drinks instead of water so Tae stay like this. He chuckled at his own thought.

After Tae's lot of whining Jungkook sighed and slept without changing his clothes. He thought when the older sleep he will check his phone but unfortunately fall asleep.


Jungkook got up first and found himself numb because of the koala clinging to him. He smiled and get out of his grip.

The first thing he did was rushed downstairs and checked his phone. His mind went blank with the huse number of messages and calls. All from his lover.

He was overwhelmed and worried sick at the same time.

"I never had this much notification in my whole life"

He opened the message then froze.

"Oh god why did I put this dumb box silent"

He instantly typed sorry and a lot of apologies. Then asked when will they meet and all and typed sorry for the hundredth time. He thought the older is ignoring him now.

Little did he know his brother is sleeping peacefully on their shared bed....

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