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Violet's new living arrangements were...strange. She'd never had anyone tell her goodnight like Charley did. Or knock on her door late at night and come bursting in and lay on her bed to talk about boys like Bella liked to do. To Bella and Charley their life seemed quiet, they didn't see themselves as a very rowdy pair. But Violet was constantly overwhelmed by the two's actions, warm and friendly. Her house in Georgia was quiet, until her parents had something go bad and they screamed how it had to be her fault, because in case you forgot, she had the devil in her. But other than that, her world was small, it was far away from everyone else's, it was just her in her own head. So this new consistent life of people checking up on her was...strange. She wasn't sure how she felt about it.

On one hand it was nice. She couldn't act like it didn't make her feel a certain kind of way, almost like she wasn't just surviving, but actually living. Instead of her constant thoughts on how she needed to get away she felt..happy.

But the down side is she didn't see this as a reliable situation. One day she would say something weird, or do something that the Swans didn't like and once again shed be thrown away, just like her parents, just like the Cullens. So every time she felt happy, she also felt sad, because she knew it would end.

There also was Charley, who had various amounts of misery. He was sad, insecure, morning. Violet guessed she knew more about how Charley felt about his divorce than Bella did, more than he did. She would often be in her room alone when she got hit with it, and because she didn't have anywhere to go she had to sit in it, often times crying in the corner of the room over things that never happened to her.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts and made the blonde look up from the spot on the ground she had been starring at as she sat in a corner with her knees pressed to her chest.  Violet wiped some tears from her face and stood up, looking in the mirror to try and hide her puffy eyes and sad frown. She shook it off and opened the door, seeing Bella standing their with a nervous look.

"Heyyyy" Violet raised a brow. Clearing her throat.

"What?" She asked, her voice low and painful like they often were when someone had been crying. But Bella didn't seem to notice, probably because she look focused on whatever she was about to ask Violet.

"I know that last time-" Violet cut her off.

"Absolutely not" she said in the same monotone voice. Bella sighed

"Right, but it wont be like that, were going dress shopping for homecoming"

"I'm not going to homecoming"

"I know, its like totally stupid, but, I wanted to head to this book store, and I know the girls wont want to come and I'm not getting a dress either, soooo we can just go." Violet sighed

"Why can't you just convince them to go with you, it will take like five minutes" Bella sighed disappointed

"Never mind, ill do it by my self, its not a big deal anyways" Violet frowned as Bella turned and walked into her own room.

"Wait"  Bella turned around. Violet sighed dramatically "ill come, but only because I don't want you going alone. You never know what kind of creeps you'll bump into"

"So Violet, we still don't know why you moved in with the Swans." Jessica called out from the dressing room. Violet, who sat in an uncomfortable chair the farthest from the girls, stayed silent, not bothering to stop reading her book. Bella seemed to notice this.

Your Pain Is My Misery ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now