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Another day of court

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Another day of court. A new vampire stirring up trouble. So here she stood, where Aro liked her. Apperantly her gift was something Aro quite enjoyed, he found it very useful and Violet was glad to be useful. She assumed that's why she was here, as she erased all her painful memories. Which apparently had been most of her memories. Because there was huge gaps in her mind that left her with only fragments of her past. So she could only assume this was what she wanted, as she had left a letter to herself and everything. This is the life she chooses, and so here she was, and here she would stay.


"Stop" Violet snaped out of her thoughts and like the rest of the room stopped and turned to Aro. Surprisely to her Aro was looking straight at her. she gave him a smile and he quickly returned it. A glint in his eyes she noticed whenever he looked at her. Like he had some how won her at a fair.

It freaked her out, yet everything the man did freaked her out. He had that chaotic lawful energy, if that was even a thing. 

"Why doesn't Violet try" he said as he starred as he looked at her. His voice suggestive yet she knew it wasn't a question. She quickly turned her head to the girl in the center of the room, now looking at her with pleading eyes. Violet didnt bother to try and remember what exaclty the girl did to deserve or not deserve what was about to happen to her, for the truth was Violet knew no one deserved what was about to happen.

So instead she looked back at Aro who was looking at her with excitement. She looked at Marcus and Caius who were both looking at her expectantly. She smiled and bowed her head respectably  

"I'd be my pleasure" she said, it sounding like something someone in game of thrones would say, which was pretty much what she based her speach patternes off of whenever she had to talk to them all old like. 

Before looking back to her victim she looked at Jane, who was seething.

She had of course been about to toruture the girl before Aro stopped her, handing her job to Violet instead. Violet of course enjoyed the anger she was bringing the girl and discreetly sent the girl a wink before looking at the victim again. 

Opening the connection she normally kept off she instantly felt the girls misery begin to flood her head. Violet felt all the times the girl was at her absolut worst, all her incecuties and fears. and Violet felt the tears that wanted to come from her eyes. she quickly pushed them away and instead narrowed her eyes to look inside of the vampire's red eyes. 

"Misery" she muttered and pushed the pain she felt right back across the room onto the girl. 

Suddenly wails filled the room. The unknown vampire fell to the ground holding her head as bloody tears began to fall down her face. Violet knew she had just sent her somewhere, where?...She wasn't quite sure. But sometimes she'd get glimpes of it, it was dark and wet. She knew it was inside their minds, where she filled it with their worst memories and feelings...to torture them. As Aro wanted.....She could send figments of the pain to them, all which she and they could see. All of which she had to suffer with them, with a smile on her face. 

She turned to Aro and bowed her head as the bloody screams came from behind her. He however wasn't looking at her and instead to her victim, where he relished in the misery.

"Fantastic" he muttered, to her or himself she didnt know, but didn't really care. She hated it either way.


"I dont know why Aro insist you be around at all times." Violet smirked as she walked, quickly turning around to see Jane glarring at her a few feet away. Violet shrugged her shoulders. 

"Perhaps he is growing tired of surounding himself with someone who's only personality trait is being a bitch" Violet asked in a fake innocent voice, fluttering her eye lashes for added effect. Jane just flashed infront of her, intimidatingly looking up to her with a vicious glare.

"It won't last. Soon hell grow tired of you and your uselessness" she spit with venom. Violet just rolled her eyes, not at all intimidated by the short little girl.

"Jane, do you ever grow tired of being a cliché? Are you really playing the jealous teacher's pet? Do you really care that much on who he ask to torture the poor guys?" Jane didn't bother to answer, instead just glaring once more and turning and rushing off. Violet  just sighed to herself 

"She needs therapy"she muttered

"My sister needs what?" Violet turned to see Alec. She raised an amused brow

"Therapy, alot of pent up trauma id say" she said, his brows scrunched together

"I dont unde-" she cut him off waving her hand and pinching her nose. 

"Yeah yeah nothing new" she muttered annyoyed, a moment passes and she looked back at him. He givng her a suggestive smirk, she glared. 

"So?" he asked. She scoffed at his unasked question. 

"No" she deadpaned, he just shrugged. This seemed to be somthing that would be happening for awhile now.

"Very well" He said, a smug tone that let her know hed ask her again tomorrow. she rolled her eyes and she quickly noticed a familiar face. 

"Who is that?" she asked. Not bothering to hide the fact she was pointing right at him as he starred at her. Alec turned to see who she was talking about, and saw the lanky older man. With a long beared and all-black gown. The Voltori crescent around his neck 

"Saint Michael?"

"Harry creepy human guy.... yeah him?"

"Hes been with us since he was a child, believes us to be God's. He helps the Volturi with human problems. Finances and things in that nature" Alecs face was scrunched in distaste as he spoke about it. And she knew it was his dislike they needed a human for anything other than food bags. Violet looked back at the guy who she had noticed following her around. Observing her it seemed.

"Let me guess he wants to be one of us?"

"Yeah, but the Volturi wont let him. Not till he has nothing more to offer as a human"

"Well hes creepy, he's always starring at me"

"He's probably a little jealous. Your a new vampire who immediately got into the inner circle. He can't even get the first step down."

"This place is too much"

Your Pain Is My Misery ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now