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Her hair now down as she stopped infront of the house

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Her hair now down as she stopped infront of the house. Blood splattered against her skin and dress.

The trip had been long, the Volturi had many in their ranks across the world that had tried to stop her, yet none had succeeded such a task.

They had either died or forgotten they ever saw her.

And now she stood infront of a house with so many happy memories. Some of her only memories. But remembering this house, the man inside... just reminded her on how much she changed. Just looking down at herself, the dress she wore, the flawless skin...the blood.

How could she ever see him again, how could she enter that door and explain her disappearance, explain her appearance. Explain anything?

Was she even the same girl?

She couldn't remember herself. Not completely, and a part of her was to scared to let those memories back. The pain she had felt, it would be like feeling it all over again.

Violet wasn't completely sure what happened. She doesn't remember being turned. Erasing her memorys. All she had was a note telling her it was what was best.  She doesn't remember her childhood, she doesn't remember any painful memories.

But what did that leave? Was she just a shell of who she once was? She was smart enough to know there was pros and cons to this. But sadly she didn't have enough data to weigh them. She simply had to trust her past.

She saw movement in the window and immediately she cowered back and out of sight.

She couldn't see him again. He wasn't in this life. A life she wasn't sure she picked or not. A life she wasn't even sure she had. She couldn't evade the Volturi forever. And even if she could she had no idea what she was to do with immortality.

Suddenly her head swiftly turned to the side and her body tensed in defense as her instincts took control. In a blink a vampire was infront of her and Violet had already been ready to attack. Only pausing as she saw the girl frozen.

"Violet?" She uttered in what sounded like complete shock. Violet saw a small vampire girl staring at her like she had two heads. She looked familiar... was she supposed to remember who this was?

This is awkward.

Violet let her defenses drop slightly as she looked upon the girl, and suddenly the awkward reality of someone knowing you when you know nothing of them attached to her.

"Uh....hola" she muttered. Cringeing at herself as she said something so stupid.

No longer was she in the Volturis world where she was confident and sure of everthing she said. Because it was as if there, she was given a script. She was told how to speak. What to wear. How to behave. And now, back in the real world she remembers only fragments. She had to figure everything out once again.

Your Pain Is My Misery ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now