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"You can leave the stuff here, we should be finished tomorrow."

"Yeah, I think so" she was finished an bent to grab her keys.

"See ya tomorrow!" She yelled before walking out the door and down the steps to her Jeep. She hopped in and dug her key into he ignited flipping only to hear a horrible sound. Her eyes winded and she tried again only to be let with the same ugly noise.

"No no no no no no! Come on don't do the to me" she tried it again only it didn't work causing her to hit the steering wheel in frustration

"Are you okay?" She screamed accidentally hitting the honk causing a loud noise to fill the air. She turned to see who else but Jasper freaking Hale. She glared and without missing a beat grabbed the handle of her car door and swung it open hitting him in the process.

But somehow it just rammed into him and bounced back shut to moving him an inch.

She groaned

"I hate you" suddenly she heard the door open to the house causing her to turn and see Alice walking down the stairs.

This just kept getting worse

"Violet? What's wrong. Violet steeped out of the car, Jasper steeping out of the way.

"Other than your brother playing peekaboo with me all day, my car won't start, and I need to get home, and I don't know anything about cars, and it will cost money to get this just looked at, and how am I gonna get to school if-" suddenly a wave of calm washed over her and she sighed

"Sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Don't worry about it- I know a mechanic, he can look at it for nothing, he owes me a favor. As for a ride... Jasper can take you" Violets eyes widened panic mode setting in

"What! No!" Alice rolled her eyes

"It's fine Violet, your on his way. Right Jasper?" He raised a brow but Alice just gave him the look.

"Yeah, on my way" Violet rolled her eyes.

"Neither of you know where I live" Alice shrugged

"Anywhere is on our way from out here." Okay that wasn't the problem. The problem was she didn't want him to see where she lived.

"This isn't up for negotiation. Jasper take her home, I'm" yawwwwn "so tired" Alice said before turning and walking away leaving a wide eyed Violet behind. What was she going to do? She had no one else.

"Come on, I don't bite" Jasper said, a small smirk on his lips as he walked towards he garage. Violet sighed

Guess this was happening

She followed after him and entered the garage.

Her mouth dropped

"Oh. My. God. Kill me now and Barry me in one of these cars." Jasper chuckled

The ride was quiet as of yet, neither speaking. They were still on the main road in the woods, he was going back towards town. Most likely thinking that's where she lived. It wasn't

She should be flipping out. But somehow she was really calm at the moment. They were getting close to her back ally road that took you deep into the woods. And to her house. She internally sighed. Here we go.

She cleared her throat.

"Uh...You can..uh turn right up here"

"Okay so towards the Dinner" curse her life.

"Ug no, there's a dirt road coming up, you might want to slow down actually" she felt the car slow down. Silence. She turned to look at him, but he was just looking at the road. Suddenly he felt them turn making her turn her head to see they were going down the overgrown road that her car had slightly put a dent in.

Oh god the silence

"You never mentioned you didn't live in town."

Oh god the questions.

She didn't know which was worse

"I guess it never came up"


Suddenly she saw it, she bit her lip anxiously. He was going to drive past it if he didn't turn. There were two possibility's
The first was he didn't see it. It blended well with the wilderness. The cracking a molding wood and roof looked similar to the trees that surrounded it. No light came from it. No indication of a man made house. Or he could have seen it, but figured no human could live their. A shed that had been abandoned my some hunter or something...nothing worth pay attention to.

No doubt it had been abandoned, something apparently her family had been dying with in their name before being passed to their next of kin, who had no idea what to do with the land in the random state of Washington. Until her Aunt Milly got a call from her brother saying her threw his daughter out. Then suddenly the memory of someone telling her she had land in the dark and rainy state pooped into her mind and she decided, what the heck, give it to her weird niece.

She wished she could just have had him drop her off at someone's house, then waited for him to leave before hiking it back here. But after finding out about the animal attacks she wasn't willing to walk trough the trees at night. So here she was.

"Uh turn here" he did quickly, making her happy she wore a seatbelt

Slowly they approached, his car coming to a stop on the familiar gravel. Well familiar to her.

Let's gets this over with she turned and grabbed her bag before grabbing the handle

"Violet" a hand was on her arm but it felt more like the first cold breeze of winter. She turned avoiding eye contact


" anyone home?" Well she told them her aunt was, soooo

"Yeah, my aunt, she's probably asleep" Jasper looked at her for a second

He knew the house was empty.

"Oh, good" he said she mentally sighed in relief. He believed her.

"Yeah, I should go"

"I'll see you in the morning" Violet nodded her head

"No, don't worry I don-"

"Yeah well Alice's orders remember? And I don't know about you but she scares me. So I'm choosing to listen to her. I'll be here at 7:30, weather you choose to get in the car is up to you." Violet smiled bitting her lip. She nodded her head

"I'll see you then Jasper. And thanks. Really. I appreciate it." He smiled. She shut the door and back away.

Waving as he pulled out and left. She sighed and turned cringing as she saw her... place.

Of course she loved it. Because it was her's, maybe not in name but in every other way. It was she trash dump. But that didn't mean she wanted others to see it, she knew his mind must be coming up with all kinds of story's and judgments. She looked like she was squatting. Or maybe he didnt get a

Your Pain Is My Misery ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now