The View

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"Here's your veggie plate..." the waitress said handing Charlie the plate, Violet gave it a gross look, and smiled down at her hamburger. Suddenly Bella sat down

"-I'm sorry I'm late. Biology Projects." She muttered, Violet gave her a look of panic.

Biology project? What project? Did she forget a project?

Bella secretly gave her a nodd, telling her they didn't. She gave a breath of relief

"I ordered you the Spam Salad.I hope that's okay. Charlie said, as it sat in front of her. Bella gave him a look

"You should order one for yourself next time." She said and Violet laughed

"Cup-egg on a steak..." the women said putting the plate infont of him. Bella gave raised her brows. He glared.

"Hey, I'm as healthy as a horse."

"-So, Chief..." the women interrupted "Boys wanna know,-Did you find anything down by Creek Silver today?" Violet turned to see a couple of boys looking there way. He sighed.

"Yeah, We found a bare human footprint.But it looks like whatever that is,it's headed to east.-So, Ketsap's County sheriff is gonna take over from here.Okay...

"-Okay?-I just hope they catch them fast." With that she walked away

"Looks like your friends are flagging you." Violet turned to see Bellas friends goofing around outside the window. Violet smiled small

"It's okay. If you wanna go, join them.I was gonna try to leave early anyway." He said

"Me too." She added. He gave her a disappointed look

"Bella, Friday night... Go out." He said, then looking back out the window"Looks like the Newton boy's gota big smile for you." Violet smirked amused as she looked at the boy who everyone could see liked Bella...poor boy.

"Yeah, he's a good buddy." Violet held in her laugh. Ohhhh friend zoned.

"Better than any of these other yahoos in town."

"Anybody you're interested?"Charlie asked, bella looked uncomfortable

"Dad, we're gonna talk about boys?"

"I guess not.-I just feel like I leave alone too much...-You should be around people."

"Hey, I'm a people" Violet said and he gave her a look

"Your always alone too" she sighed

"Actually, I was going to go to Alice's tonight, if that was okay"

"Alice Cullen? You two friends?"

"Yeah, we are" he smiled

"Yeah, that's fine" he turned to his daughter "see, even Violet is going out"

"I don't mind being alone...-I guess I'm kind of like my dad in that way."


Violet laughed, rolling her eyes at Alice. They sat in the vampires room, Alice was holding up fashion pieces she wanted Violet to wear next.

"Absolutely not, is that even a dress? Where is all the fabric?"

"Listen. Your just use to wearing buckets and buckets of fabric okay. This is fine" Violet scoffed amused

"Nice try. I know what is normal okay. That. Is not" Alice sighed

"Fine, somthing else" Violet rolled her eyes

"Your lucky I put this on" she said looking down to the light purple and thinned strap dress she was wearing. Alice had talked her into it by saying how she didnt need to wear layers when she was at their house, and Violet mistakenly agreed. Not aware Alice then was going to make her try a bunch of clothes on.

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