1. The Monster

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The midnight blue sky of the wet January evening stretched as far as the eye could see. It was littered by millions of twinkling stars and dominated by a large, luminous silver moon.

The occasional howl of a dog could be heard as it tore through the quiet night air in a sharp staccato. The roads were completely abandoned, save for a rusty yellow van parked across the Greyson Museum.

Beast, a large man propped his feet on the dashboard of the rusty yellow van whilst noisily chomping on a KFC burger. Slim, his evidently annoyed compatriot was scanning the area with a pair of binoculars for any sign of movement.

"Must you chew so loudly?" Slim grumbled in annoyance.

Beast chewed purposefully louder so as to irk his friend more than he already was. "Say Slim, ain't you gonna eat somethin'?" Beast asked curiously.

"I don't eat much, you know that." Slim rolled his eyes.

"No wonder why your codename is Slim, look at that sack of bones that you call a body!" Beast guffawed.

"I always wonder what makes you think you're funny, Beast." Slim shook his head in annoyance.

"Oh I'm very funny ol' chap, you're just a skinny sourpuss." Beast laughed once more as he slapped Slim's back.

Slim shrugged off his friend's oily hands then resumed his task prior to Beast's interruption. "Will we really get half a million dollars each?" Beast asked in wonder.

"Maybe if you stopped talking and tried to help me with this mission we would stand a pretty good chance at getting half a million bucks, dimwit!" Slim sneered as he shook his head.

"Don't get ya panties in a twist, Slim. You know I don't do the brainy shit, that's your job. I just beat people up." Beast reminded him before covering his face with his black cap.

Slim sighed yet couldn't disagree with his colleague. The giant ape of a man was very right. Beast was the brawn and Slim was the brains in their little swindling duo. Slim had a knack for figuring people out and the brain capacity to plan strategies. Beast, on the other hand, had fists and an insatiable appetite.

Slim couldn't help but jump in excitement when he saw a light signal flashing from the roof of the Greyson Museum. He slapped his burly friend's arm in glee. "Get the fake artifacts, it's time to head in." Slim told him.

Beast grinned as he reached over to the back of the van and grabbed a large briefcase. The two men shut the van noiselessly before cautiously making their way to the Greyson Museum. The thugs stood at the entrance of the museum, waiting for the guard inside to open the glass doors for them.

A visibly terrified and pudgy security guard unlocked the door for them. He was shaking in fear as the menacing men clad in an all black ensemble waltzed into the museum.

"Ah, Benny. Good to see that you kept your end of the bargain. We'll tell our guy to let your family go." Slim smiled, showing off a set of incredibly white teeth.

Beast chuckled as the security officer fainted in fear. He smiled when he spotted a box of doughnuts that was placed on the reception counter. He made his way to the counter. "Yummy, doughnuts." He moaned as he took large bites of the tasty baked treats  from Haefellis.

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