18. The Journey To Coite d'Ivoire

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E I G H T E E N 

"No way!" Lin squealed as she bounced up and down her room, her hair swaying to her erratic bouncing.

"Yes way." Julian grinned. He chuckled as Lin continued staring at him in disbelief. Her mouth hung open and her eyes were alight with excitement.

It had been a week since Kathy Stevens had found the Ghost's location. Before they could fly to the Ivory Coast, they had to acquire the information they needed about where he actually was.

Which artifact or artifacts did he plan to sell off and to whom was he selling the artifact or artifacts? Was it another auction? Was he to meet a buyer? Those were all the questions that needed answers. After they had acquired enough information, Julian knew he needed more help. He and James Altieri weren't going to be enough this time, especially with the answers they had gained.

"I have always wanted to go to the Ivory Coast, well to be clear I want to travel the whole African continent some day." Lin started to ramble, no doubt still in denial about what Julian had told her.

"I'm sure you will." Julian assured her. "I'd rather you start packing now whilst I make some calls." Julian rose from Lin's bed and made his way to the door.

Lin's bright smile fell as realisation dawned on her. "What about Charlie?" Lin swallowed. She started feeling guilty about her selfishness. How could she be so eager to pack and race of to the Ivory Coast/ Coite d'Ivoire when there was a 6 year old boy who needed her?

Julian retracted his hand from the door handle and turned to her with a small smile on his face. "Charlie will be fine Lin, my sister will care for him in our absence. Henry will keep an eye on him as well." Julian explained, hoping that she wouldn't refuse to go to the Ivory Coast.

She scowled at the mention of Kennedy Greyson. "Your sister, are you sure that's a good idea Julian?" Lin asked distastefully.

Julian chuckled. "I know that you and my sister had an altercation, if I'm being quite honest I'm not a big fan of her either. But she loves Charles like her own, she will take good care of him." He assured her.

Lin looked at him skeptically, her eyes narrowed and her lips pressed in a thin line. "Do you promise?" She searched his eyes for confirmation.

"With all that I am." He chuckled before pulling her in for a hug. "I promise that no harm will come to Charles whilst we are away, you have my word." He cooed whilst rubbing her back.

She hugged him back, all her guilt dissipating to nothingness. "I trust you." Although her voice was muffled by his jacket clad chest, it was audible enough. Julian pecked her forehead before leaving her to pack.

Lin danced around the room, ecstatic about the journey that lay ahead. Of course her reluctance about leaving Charlie behind was gnawing at her but she decided to place her trust in Julian. She couldn't believe how far she and Julian had come in their 'relationship' during the week which consisted of them searching for answers. That was if someone could even call it a relationship to begin with.

They kissed and even went as far as groping but someone or something always seemed to intervene before they could go further. Either that or the two of them would have argued. They were always arguing. At least most of the arguments ended with Lin writhing on a table, kitchen island, a car seat or even in a library as Julian gave her toe curling orgasm after toe curling orgasm.

The dynamic of their relationship had surely changed but every time Lin brought up the subject of classification, he would either ignore her or walk away. Sometimes he snapped at her before apologising. Lin wasn't completely sure that she wanted to define the relationship herself. Her ex-boyfriend was to wed in a few months and he had sent her message on WhatsApp, begging her to attend the wedding.

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