28. The Eswatini Tip Off

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So before you read this, you need to take note that I have changed Charlie's age from 7 to 6 years old for plot reasons that I overlooked (sigh! I'm so so sorry). Please don't be mad..anywho sorry for the long wait I had to do some minor tweaking. Also it's my birthday! I'm 17 now...eww I feel so old😑❤

Anyway....happy reading!💕

T W E N T Y - E I G H T

Colour drained from Julian's face the moment a gun was pointed at Lin's head. His heart was beating at such an alarming rate that he was sure it would burst out of his chest. All of this was happening because of him. He should have just taken Lin home.

Julian squinted his eyes to see the woman closely. She was tall and had a blonde pixie cut framing her face. There was a youthful aura about her. She looked about 18 or 19 years old. There was a mixture of fear, pain and fury blazing in her brown eyes.

"Where's my mother?" She demanded, her furious eyes glued on Julian.

"What are you talking about?" Julian asked in bewilderment. He wanted so badly to knock that gun out of the stranger's hand but he knew he couldn't do any of that lest he got Lin shot. So he remained in his position, trying by all means not to do anything impulsive.

"My mother Celine Perkins, dammit!" The stranger yelled in agitation.

Lin cast Julian a questioning glance that he returned with his own equally questioning one. "I assure you that I don't know a Celine Perkins." Julian replied.

"You're lying!" She shouted. She looked like she was on the verge of tears for her eyes were watering.

"I am not lying !" Julian snapped in frustration. "How about you put the gun down and we can talk about all of this?" Julian suggested.

"No!" The stranger snapped as she turned to point her gun at Julian. Lin immediately sprang up from her chair, arms raised in the air to show that she meant no harm.

"Please just put the gun down." Lin pleaded sternly as she took slow steps towards the stranger.

"No! I'm not putting my gun down!" She snapped. "I just want my Mom back. Wasn't killing my father enough for you, Mr Greyson?" The stranger sneered at Julian.

"Again," Julian sighed in annoyance, "I have no idea what you're on about."

"Benjamin Perkins...he was my father. Y-you got him killed!" The stranger accused him.

Julian scowled at the stranger. "And why would I do that?" He growled.

"I ask the questions! Either you tell me where my Mom is or I-I-I I'll kill the both of you!" The stranger snapped.

Lin took a deep breath. "I promise that Julian had nothing to do with your father's murder or your mother's kidnapping." Lin explained, trying by all means to diffuse the explosive situation. Lin was terrified. She had never had a gun pointed in her face until now. But she had to do something about this because Julian's mouth would probably get both of them killed.

"Everyone's lying!" The stranger cried out. "I'm only 18! I just want my parents back!"

Lin's fear momentarily subsided when she realised that the stranger was just a scared, angry teenage girl. "I'm sorry. I know this is all hard for y----"

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