12. The New Team

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Lunch time was always Lin's favourite time of the day, today was no exception as she sat in the school field eating. Since the school was predominantly Caucasian, it was hard for her to make any companions. The black employees never seemed to be around.

Besides, the rumours spread by nasty Charlotte Reynolds weren't making it any easier for her to settle in.

She was about to take a bite of her burger when her phone rang, interrupting her. Grumbling, she snatched the contraption from the dark brown bench and answered it.

"Charles won't talk to me." Julian said without bothering to exchange any pleasantries.

"Well, good afternoon to you too Julian." Lin grumbled in annoyance.

"It's not a good afternoon. Are you hearing me? Charles won't speak to me!" Julian repeated in frustration.

Lin rolled her eyes. "Why do you think that is?"

Julian groaned. "I don't know! You usually have the answers to such things, that's why I called you."

Lin chuckled. "Was that supposed to like, flatter me into helping you out?" She asked.

"Depends. Did it work?" Julian was relentless.

Lin pouted at the burger in her other hand. She kissed it and said, "I'll get back to you baby."

Julian coughed. "Baby? What, who is that? Are you with someone right now?" Lin could feel him scowling.

"Calm down hulk, I was only talking to my food." She said with a resigned sigh. "Besides, why would my being with someone bother you?" She snickered.

"Not important." He cleared his throat. "Now back to my problem." He ordered.

Lin wanted to argue and call him out but all she wanted to do was eat her damn food! This man's arrogance and lack of manners could wait. "So you said Charlie wasn't talking to you?"

"Well, kind of. He refused to get cupcakes with me yesterday. He refused to eat the pizza I offered him for supper yesterday and he didn't reply me when I told him goodnight last night!" He practically whined.

"Oh, Julian." Lin said with a sigh. "I didn't know you whined so much." Lin groaned in exasperation. "You're giving me a headache."

"Hey! This isn't about your head, this is about my dilemma and---"

"Alright! Alright! Shut up." Lin pleaded before sighing.

"Look, Charlie is clearly afraid of you Julian. He isn't accustomed to you being nice. To be honest, I don't think anyone is." Lin added as an after thought. "Annnywaaaay, you have to give him time to adjust to you. Don't rush him, he will trust you soon."

Julian seemed to calm down after Lin had talked to him. He hadn't looked at it that way. He was just so obsessed with controlling the situation that he didn't take the time to realise that his son wasn't one of his archaeological puzzles. He was just a kid. A kid just as confused as he was.

"Thank you, Lin." He said gratefully. "I'm starting to wonder what I'd do without you."

Lin blushed. She was really glad that this was a phone-call. "Remember the flattery thing?" Lin asked, trying to contain giggles.

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