4. The Tides

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"Good afternoon Mr Greyson." Miss Reynolds grinned when Julian walked into the administration office wearing his usual intimidating expression.

"Miss Reynolds." He nodded in reply.

Miss Reynolds perked her breasts then leaned over her desk to show Julian an ample amount of cleavage. She gave him a seductive smile. "Can I help you with anything?" She asked whilst giving him a once over.

"I'm not interested in you Miss Reynolds. If you value your job, I suggest you button up your blouse." He said without bothering to look at her. He was typing away at his phone.

Miss Reynolds turned beet red then quickly buttoned up her blouse. "I-I-I w-w-wasn't-"

"Save it for someone who cares. I'm here to pick up my son, which classroom is he in?" Mr Greyson asked boredly.

"Classroom 28, Mr Greyson." Miss Reynolds gulped.

Julian didn't bother to thank the unprofessional secretary. He switched off his phone then pocketed it before stalking off to find the classroom.

He saw the classroom door up ahead. It was slightly ajar. He heard the sounds of laughter and giggles. He approached the door at a slower pace.

"Father didn't even know how to eat pap*!" Charlie said, in between a fit of giggles.

"No!" Lin laughed along with him whilst she marked some exercise books.

"Miss Simo, I think I should go catch a ZUPCO* bus, father isn't coming." Charlie sounded disappointed.

"Oh, I'm sorry Charlie. I would drive you but I'm still busy. I'm sorry that your father  isn't coming." Lin said distastefully.

"He used to be nice. I've seen him happy. He just needs someone to show him how to be a good person...like how mommy used to. That's what Gran says." Charlie said, his eyes tearing up.

"Aww baby, don't cry." Lin said as she quickly drew her chair then scurried to envelope Charlie in a hug.

"I'm sure your daddy is a good person. Deep, deep, deep, deep, deep down there somewhere." Lin concluded.

Julian rolled his eyes.

"I know I'll get my father back, soon. Gran says if I believe hard enough, father will come back." Charlie said before they stopped embracing each other.

Julian chose that moment to enter the classroom. Charlie's demeanour changed to fear. "F-father." Charlie stammered.

"Afternoon Charles, go wait in the car." he said impassively.

Charlie gave Lin a sad smile, gathered his satchel then went out of the classroom. "You couldn't show your son any enthusiasm?" Lin rolled her eyes.

"Ah, Miss Simo, it's always a pleasure." Julian drawled sarcastically.

Lin scowled at him. "May I remind you that you are 2 hours late to fetch your son."

"I'm here, aren't I?" Julian sneered.

"Monster." She muttered under her breath.

Unfortunately, Julian heard her.

"Careful Miss Simo, I can make your life very miserable." He warned her.

"Are you threatening me?" Lin scoffed.

"Precisely." He muttered.

Lin placed her hands on her hips then raised her chin defiantly. "I'm not afraid of you." She said, glaring up at him.

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