22. The Decision She Made

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T W E N T Y - T W O

Charlie watched as Miss Simo made her way to the hotdog stand. He patted the savings bulging out of his jeans' pocket, smiling proudly. This was his chance to finally do something nice for Miss Simo. His aunt's eyes were glazed for she seemed to be in deep thought about something. Henry was on a phonecall, seemingly engaged in a heated conversation.

He decided that he could dash to any jewellery stand he could find and buy something Miss Simo would like. He knew that darting off alone was dangerous because Miss Simo and his father had explained that they were not safe---especially when separated. But he decided that he would be back soon.

Charlie ran off without looking back. He doubted that the adults engrossed in their own dilemmas had seen him leave. It wouldn't take long, he'd return just as soon as he had bought Miss Simo a gift.

He stopped in his tracks when he caught something sparkling and glinting in the moonlight. Charlie grinned as he headed towards the small rather dull and uninviting booth. An old man was seated on a rickety chair, his jean clad legs propped up on the booth's table. The man was snoring lightly, no doubt tired of not receiving any customers.

Charlie gently shook the man's legs. The man jerked awake. He sat up straight before rubbing his eyes and letting out a long, loud yawn, displaying his uvula.

"Hey kid." The man grinned. "What can I do for ya?" He asked whilst scratching his wispy beard.

"Please may I buy that?" Charlie told him whilst pointing at a gold, heart shaped locket with the words "Mom" embedded on the outer shell in a lovely, cursive font. 

"You sure kid?" The man probed. "Don't you want the toys instead?"

"No...I want that..please." He confirmed politely.

"Suit yourself, how much you got?" He looked at him skeptically.

"How much is it?" Charlie replied him with a question.

The man cracked a smile, displaying a set of yellow, worn out teeth. "Clever kid. It's 50 bond."

Charlie smiled. He had more than enough money to pay for the locket. He was ecstatic for he knew that he was going to purchase yet another gift for Miss Simo. He took out ten of his five bond notes and handed them over to the man. He took the notes eagerly. He carefully placed the locket in a small, rectangular box then placed it in Charlie's small, awaiting hands.

Charlie grinned as he traced his small fingers over the box. He put the box in his pocket, before looking back at the man to thank him. The man replied with a cheery, "Sure, see ya around kid!"

Charlie hadn't seen the Big Man coming. He hadn't heard his footsteps trampling the fallen leaves nor tapping against stones. It was all quick and sudden as the man grabbed Charlie by the arms and quickly covered his mouth with a large, gloved hand.

The man in the booth didn't notice nor hear the muffled sounds of a little boy kicking, yelling and flailing in a captor's arms. He merely sat back on his chair, tipped his worn out cap over his eyes and started snoring.

Meanwhile Charlie was struggling to break free but to no avail. He jerked and kicked and flailed until the man stopped in front of a large, black van. He used one hand to cover the boy's mouth and his leg to press him against the van whilst his other hand unlatched the van's door.

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