10. The Affair

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The kiss wasn't nearly enough for Julian. If they weren't at a family function he would have had his way with her right on the carpeted floor.

They were staring into each other's eyes, dazed and hungry for more. Their thoughts were currently raging stallions that couldn't be tamed. Julian couldn't stop caressing her cheeks and breathing heavily as he deliberated on whether to go in for another kiss. Fate, however, seemed to have other ideas.

"Ahem." Someone cleared their throat to get the heated couple's attention. Lin whirled around to find her brother staring at them with an unreadable expression. Lin couldn't help but blush in embarrassment. Julian looked unperturbed as usual.

"Heeeeeey Nkosi," Lin said nervously.

"Who's this?" He ignored her greeting and stalked towards Julian Greyson. He gently pushed Lin aside and stood just a few centimetres from Julian.

"You must be Nkosi Simo, I'm Julian Greyson." Julian introduced himself. His expression didn't at all waver or show signs of fear. He wasn't intimidated. Besides, he had already met senior Simo. And that man was built like a brick wall.

Nkosi continued staring him down fiercely, willing Julian to look away. What was wrong with this family? Where they usually like this to all the men Lin brought home? That was Julian's thought as he continued the heated staring contest with Lin's brother.

"That's enough Nkosi!" Lin snapped.

Nkosi's hardened expression softened. To everyone's surprise, Nkosi laughed before giving him the classic 'bro hug'.

"Uhhhh..." Lin squeaked in confusion.

"Tough guy! I like it. At least you ain't like that pussy Lance." Nkosi seemed to approve as he slapped Julian's back one too many times.

"Hey!" Lin exclaimed defensively.

"Lance?" Julian asked in confusion.

"Lin's pussy of an ex-boyfriend. Sorry little sister, that guy wasn't man enough for you anyway." Nkosi said with a shrug of his shoulders.

Lin merely scowled at him.

"So, y'all an item or?" Nkosi asked using his hands to gesticulate wildly. If one thought Vanessa, their mother was hyper, then Nkosi was way worse. He took hyper to the next level.

"Really, Nkosi? No we aren't." Lin clarified. Lin sighed at his fake black American accent, he was watching a lot of Love & Hip Hop.

"Then why was y'all about to grind coochies in my 'rents sitting room?" Nkosi teased them.

Lin took off her shoe and aimed it at her brother who ducked the flying object with relative ease. "Hey, don't kill me. I have a son who needs me, remember?" Nkosi chuckled before picking up Lin's stiletto and shoving it into Julian's hands.

"I'll catch y'all later. We tough guys gotta go handle the braai. You better come Julian. If you wanna be accepted in this family, you gotta showcase your braaing skills. The Simo family doesn't like a bunch of pussies." Nkosi told him whilst he displayed his muscular arms.

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