20. The Choices They Made

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Ivory Coast, Abidjan.

As James drove out of the chaotic hotel's exit, sirens wailed. No doubt a huge police force was on its way, together with ambulances and fire trucks.

Lin swallowed before placing her face in her hands. Her shoulders shook in fear as she recalled the ear splitting explosion that had occured just five minutes ago. "I can't believe that just happened." She sniffled.

Shelly wiped her own tears before squeezing Lin's hand to comfort her. They were both pretty shaken up by what had transpired. Both Julian and James threw them apologetic and sympathetic glances. Their own faces were pale, they had been visibly shaken up as well.

"How did you know something like that would happen?" Lin swallowed once more. Her throat felt constricted. Breathing and even talking took a lot of effort. Being awake was taxing. Lin wanted to wake up and choke the previous events as nothing more than a nightmare. But even she knew that wouldn't happen. The sooner she accepted that, the better it would be to digest. She couldn't help but think how close sweet Charlie had come to losing two important people in his life. The thought of leaving Charlie alone in the world ate at her and scared her more than death.

It took Shelly a long time to reply. She looked just as traumatised as Lin did. Shelly sighed before rubbing her eyes with her other hand. "I-I-I noticed.."She paused before bursting into more tears.

Lin draped an arm on her sobbing friend and comforted her. "It's okay. You don't have to talk about it." Lin whispered.

"No...I-I want to." She said shakily. "Well, I noticed how completely clueless the worker had been when she was looking for the bathroom. Also, hotel workers don't normally wear expensive Gucci shoes and diamond earrings." She explained.

"Thank God we brought you along with us Shelly, you saved our lives." Julian said gratefully. "I don't know how I can ever repay you."

"By getting all of your damn artifacts back and bringing the assholes trying to kill us to justice." Shelly told him, her voice regaining its strength.

"You have my word." Julian avowed.


Zimbabwe, Bulawayo.

The moment Lin stepped foot in the Greyson Manor she ran into the living room and pulled Charlie into a long, tight hug. She had no idea why, but soon, tears were trailing down her cheeks. She sniffled and closed her eyes as she rocked the boy in her arms.

Julian stood by the doorframe with his arms folded. He knew right then how much Lin loved Charles. When they finally pulled away from each other, Charles was stunned but he returned Lin's sad smile with a small, confused but encouraging smile.

"How did the trip go?" Charles asked. Ah, classic considerate Charles.

"It was quite the adventure. I'm so hungry, what say we go eat and you can tell me what you did without me?" Lin suggested. Charles took her hand and they brushed past Julian, heading to the kitchen.

"Hello Father." Charles greeted over his shoulder.

Lin halted in her tracks and raised an eyebrow at Charlie. "Baby, those aren't very good manners. You don't greet adults like that. You stop and look them in the eye." She corrected him.

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