3. The Fates

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A zombie.

That's what she felt like on Wednesday morning. It had been a week since Lance had left her for the gorgeous, leggy black beauty.

News of Lance's latest conquest had spread like wildfire. At work, everyone was either giving her sympathetic looks or pitiful glances. It was bad enough that this whole situation was inexplicably humiliating, now she had to deal with whispers and pity too?

There was a knock on the classroom door that startled Lin out of her thoughts. Lin uttered a hoarse 'come in'. The secretary, Miss Charlotte Reynolds walked into the classroom wearing a smirk.

She was Whitestone Primary School's resident bitch. Well, she was a bitch to Lin at least. The redhead had a striking figure, plump lips and a long nose.

"Here to mock me about Lance leaving?" Lin rolled her eyes.

"Not at all, darling. I've already spread nasty rumours about you. I've done enough for the day." Miss Reynolds grinned.

Lin winced. Those rumours had been down right rude and insulting. The groundsmen were saying it was because she had various STDs, others said she had cheated on Lance. Others said Lance had found out that she was a stripper at some club. She should have known.

"That was you?" Lin pursed her lips.

"The one and only." Miss Reynolds grinned. "Principal Harding wants to see you in his office."

Lin groaned. "What for?"

"I don't know and I frankly don't care. Just go to his office." Miss Reynolds shrugged her shoulders.

"Could you pass me that file?" Lin asked whilst pointing at her purple file.

Miss Reynolds looked at the file then looked at the glass of water next to it. Faking a dramatic yawn, she used her elbow to knock the glass over. The glass toppled over, spilling the colourless liquid onto the file.

"Why you---"

"Oops!" Miss Reynolds giggled before waltzing out of the classroom.

Lin wanted to gauge the preppy little redhead's eyes out but she didn't want to jeopardize her job at Whitestone Primary School.

Charlotte Reynolds wasn't worthy of Lin's punches. The woman was just fueled by jealousy. Lin and Charlotte had applied for the same Whitestone job. Charlotte had felt insulted when Principal Harding had given Lin the job, claiming that she was more than qualified, not to mention stern and well mannered.

Charlotte on the other hand had been...well ...Charlotte. To stop a cat fight from breaking out in his office, Principal Harding had to reluctantly offer Charlotte the secretary position. He still had nightmares about Charlotte.

Lin straightened her tight fitting pencil skirt before making her way to Principal Harding's office. She knocked then entered after a soft, 'come in'. Mr Harding rose from his chair, a friendly smile etching his face.

Lin had taken a liking to Mr Harding during the interview. He was a tall, slender man with salt and pepper hair and kind features. He had one ear, no one knew how he had lost his other ear.

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