11. The Conflict

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E L E V E N 

Victor came to a stop underneath the red flowering tree. Julian caressed Lin's cheek gently, the desire of kissing Lin stirring in his thoughts again. He gently shook her awake. Lin slowly opened her eyes, yawning in the process.

She smiled lazily when her half opened eyes landed on Julian's face. She continued smiling before jolting awake, screaming then punching Julian on the nose. Julian uttered a yelp. Lin stopped screaming when she realised it was Julian.

"Ahhh, fuck! What the hell Lindiwe?!" He snapped with an angry growl.

Lin gasped when she realised what she had done. She smiled apologetically. "I'm so so sorry! I mean, I forgot that you were here and.....reflexes." She basically mumbled, her cheeks flaming.

Julian looked at his hands and saw a trickle of blood oozing from his left nostril. "Fuck!" He cursed. Even though Charlie was asleep, Lin blocked his ears with her hands.

"Language! There's a child in the car!" She snapped at him.

Julian glared at her before roughly swinging the car door open. All the while this was happening, Victor sat in his seat snickering and filming the whole scene with his phone. Lin turned to the flashing camera and smiled sheepishly.

Her grin fell when Julian abruptly flung the car door open, startling Lin. "Out!" He snapped. Lin knew she had managed to piss him off, especially after punching him on the nose. What had gotten into her?

Well, there are killers on the loose. She thought, shrugging her shoulders.

She attempted to carry Charlie out of the car, only to have the boy ripped out of her arms. "I'll carry him inside." He told her. "You, walk far far far far far  away from me and open the door." He ordered her with a scowl.

"Geez, touchy much? I said I was sorry." Lin mumbled.

Lin removed the house keys from her purse then led the way to her front door. The lights were off, meaning Henry was gone. She opened the door to her house, switched on the lights then watched as the house was flooded with light.

Julian already knew Charlie's room so he pushed past her without so much as an excuse me. After tucking his son in the bed, he went downstairs to find Lin biting her nails nervously.

His nose looked slightly swollen and Lin couldn't help but giggle. Julian was confused at first then realised that she was laughing at his busted nose.

"I should kill you for this." He muttered whilst pointing at his nose.

Lin suddenly burst out laughing. "I'm so sorry." She wheezed, trying to contain her laughing spasms. When he scowled, she laughed again. Louder this time. "You look horrible. You would put Squidward to shame." She said in between breaths of hysterical laughter.

"I despise you." He said with a faint smile.

"Diddo." She giggled before putting ice-cubes in a cloth and gently putting it on his swelling nose.

Julian froze as Lin's soft, small hands rubbed his tender nose. "I'm glad my pain is humorous." He grumbled.

Lin sighed. "I'm really sorry Julian. It was an honest mistake." She was now dabbing at the blood with a tissue.

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