23. The Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

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T W E N T Y - T H R E E  

Kennedy tugged on the sleeves of her jacket nervously, her heart and mind at war because of Marco Carrington. On one hand, her sensible, computing mind that made her a phenomenal coder, developer and hacker was throwing warning signs around, begging her to flee. On the other hand, her heart instructed her to help the only man she had ever loved and still loved up to this day.

However, her love for Marco didn't change the fact that Valerie had branded him a 'murderer'. What did that even mean? Passionate, gentle and charming Marco was a murderer? At this rate, she wouldn't put it past him or anyone for that matter, not with the misfortunes that were currently befalling everyone she cared for.

Kennedy sighed, her heart aching for her brother and her nephew. Julian was no doubt wallowing in anger, frustration and past insecurities. Of course it didn't help that the woman he had come to care for so much had walked out of their lives. It had been three weeks since Lindiwe had left her brother and nephew.

Julian had turned into the untraceable ghost he was was hunting. He had immersed himself in mountains upon mountains of work dedicated to his search. To make matters even worse, he avoided Charlie like the plague. They were basically back to square one.

Charlie had drowned himself into silence and misery. Like his father, Charlie wasn't quite present at the Manor. He was physically present yet emotionally and even spiritually wise, he was withdrawn. Charlie's upbringing wasn't  what any sane human being would envision for a child.

Charlie's family was dysfunctional at best what with a deceased mother and a cold, detached and damaged father.  Entitled and status-conscious grandparents. Not to mention a self absorbed, pleasure seeking aunt. Yes, Kennedy knew she wasn't exactly the best aunt for her nephew, but she loved the boy immensely and sympathised with him. She knew what it felt like to be unwanted.

Kennedy stiffened when she heard footsteps treading their way through the green, slightly damp grass. She had called Marco all in a bid to confront him about Valerie's startling revelation.

Kennedy had chosen Hillside Dams as their meeting spot. It was a gorgeous national monument that had housed King Lobengula when he sought refuge from the strains of ruling at the Capital in the past. The large area was perfect for their meeting for they could rely on the abundant vegetative cover.

The Dams were largely dominated by countless species of fauna and flora, like the Matobo hills, Hillside Dams also had various kopjes and open sandy plains. It was a perfect utopia for nature lovers.

The healthy green grass shimmered like rare emeralds underneath the Zimbabwean sun's bright glare. Different species of trees littered themselves across the widespread fields providing fruits and housing for the animals.

The dam itself was the epitome of wonder and beauty, especially in the summer. A blanket of water adorned by long reeds and algae rested on the river bed. A school of fish lovingly frolicked near the dam wall, occasionally flopping out of the water for a brief moment in the warm sun, their scales glistening beautifully.

Marco settled onto the grass next to Kennedy, stretching his long legs out in the process. Kennedy faced him, her expression void of any emotion. Was she ready to ask such a life altering question? Was she ready to hear Marco's reply? Would their relationship end today?

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