24. The Lesser Of Two Evils

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T W E N T Y  -  F O U R

Lin rose from the sofa, paused Titanic , shrugged on her slippers then headed to the door, biting back the urge to scream. She abruptly yanked the door open, nearly pulling it off of its hinges.

"I said I'm not ready to go back yet Shelly!" Lin yelled. She gasped when she realised that it wasn't her friend at her door step who was politely wiping her dainty shoe clad feet on Lin's welcome mat.

Instead, there was a tall, raven haired woman with delicate, doe coloured eyes. She was dressed in a flawless alabaster suit, comprised of a blazer and a pencil skirt. She added a pair of black 3 inch, closed toe heels. She was holding a gorgeous, cream coloured clutch in her hands. The woman had an air of undeniable propriety and refinement that intimidated Lin.

"I'm terribly sorry for disturbing you my dear, but please may I have a few words with you?" The elderly, yet graceful woman  requested.

"Pardon me, ma'am, but do I know you?" Lin swallowed, her mouth twisting into a bewildered frown.

"Oops!" The woman laughed, her blinding  white teeth flashing in the process. "Pardon my lack of manners, I am Sarah Greyson, mother to Julian Greyson the First and grandmother to Charles Greyson the Third." The woman explained, stretching out her dainty hand for a handshake.

Lin looked at it hesitantly before stretching out her own and shaking Sarah's hand. It was just as soft as Lin had guessed it would be, yet surprisingly firm.

Lin let her through before closing the door gently. She turned around and stared at the tall, graceful and ravishing woman who currently had her back to Lin, no doubt scanning Lin's simple yet homely and warm foyer.

"What a lovely home." Sarah complimented as she faced Lin, a smile splitting her heart shaped face. Julian and Kennedy were the spitting image of their mother, aside from their eye colour, which most likely came from their father.

"T-thank you?" Lin muttered her thanks rather hesitantly.

"Shall we take a seat? I'm afraid that there's a lot that I would like to discuss with you." Sarah stated. Her voice resembled the soothing chimes of a nightingale.

"Right this way." Lin cleared her throat before heading into the sitting room. She motioned for Sarah Greyson to take a seat on the most comfortable, black sofa. Lin sat across her, nervously twiddling her fingers as she felt Sarah's eyes scrutinising her.

"You're lovelier than my son described." Sarah marvelled.

Lin blinked multiple times. "Thank you Mrs Greyson."

"Call me Sarah. We are friends after all, aren't we?" Sarah froze when she realised what she had said. "I'm terribly sorry, that was a bit much wasn't it?" The woman laughed nervously.

Damn, even her laugh is perfect. Lin thought to herself.

"It's alright Mrs G---I mean Sarah." Lin quickly corrected herself. "Can I offer you anything? Tea or water or juice?" Lin offered.

"Tea would be lovely thank you." Sarah smiled and nodded curtly.

After Lin had taken out her best China tea set, she poured each of them a cup of Rooibos tea. She handed a cup and saucer to Sarah before settling down on her chair and sipping her own tea.

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