26. The Museum's Mole

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T W E N T Y - S I X   

Lin stiffened as soon as she heard the harsh, throaty baritone. She slowly straightened up before turning around to stare into Julian Greyson's disconcertingly unreadable, stormy blue eyes. A frown had marred his otherwise stoic expression. He stood at the foot of the stairs, dressed in a pair of navy blue jeans, a black t-shirt and a black leather jacket. Was it possible that this man had grown more handsome since that last time she had seen him?

His perfect eyebrow arched as he waited for Lin to reply him. Lin bit her lip, both from the arousal that stirred within her as Julian stared at her intensely, as well as her inability to construct a viable answer to his question.

"Simo. I asked you a question." He repeated, the irritation in his tone escalating.

He's calling me Simo again?  Lin thought bitterly.

"I....well...." She stuttered, his deep gaze fumbling her thoughts. Get a grip on yourself! Lin mentally chided herself. "The cow horn formation....really Julian? You can do better than that." Lin sassed, her voice regaining its former strength.

Julian cursed. "I didn't think anyone would ever be able to figure it out." He stated more to himself than he did to Lin. He was impressed, but he wouldn't tell her that. He ran a hand through his hair, a habit of his that showed his frustration.

"Evidently." Lin replied. "But you were wrong." Lin couldn't help but add.

Julian didn't bother to reply. He merely strolled into the room and slumped onto a plush, peony sofa and threw his head back, releasing an exhausted sigh. Lin was slightly disappointed for it seemed the usually argumentative man was withdrawn and distracted. In as much as she would hate to admit it, she usually enjoyed their back and forth verbal repartee. But it was silence that hung in the atmosphere that pregnant with tension and unanswered questions.

"What are you doing here Simo?" Julian asked, his voice barely a whisper. His sudden yet low and unsettling voice startled her.

"I wanted to see Charlie." Was her immediate reply. She decided it was best not to play games with a man who seemed on edge.

Her confession seemed to ignite an ember of anger within him.  Gone was Julian's!apathy. "Why would you do that?" He growled menacingly.

Lin was at a loss for words, she had no answer for his question neither did she think she was prepared to juggle an argument with an unpredictable man in a secret room. He could kill her for all she knew.

"Just as I thought." Julian scoffed in aggravation. "You don't have an answer do you?"

"Well what do you want me to say?" Lin sighed, her eyes regarding him warily.

"Say something that won't brand you like the monster I've painted in my head." Was Julian's reply.

"Excuse me?" Lin snapped.

"You heard me." He stated simply.

"I made a mistake Julian, okay?!" She exploded. "Heck, I've even been told by everyone: my best friend, your mother and even my mom, so yes, I royally screwed up."

"I'm glad you've realised that you fucked up, Simo. I never thought I would see the day." Julian muttered before his eyes landed on Rosa's pictures.

Lin followed his gaze to the picture she had been so engrossed in just a few minutes ago. "Charlie's mom was beautiful." Lin stated before she could stop herself.

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