38. Rosa's Journal

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T H I R T Y - E I G H T

Lin gazed at her ring in admiration. She was in disbelief. A month had passed since her wedding day. She was officially a married woman. A woman married to bloody Julian Greyson at that!

Lin was currently clearing up everything in Julian and Rosa's old room to move it to the new master suite they would be sharing. She wasn't exactly keen on sleeping on the same bed and room Rosa and Renata had slept in, hence her suggestion to move to another room.

Stefan, Julian's new butler, along with a few maids where buzzing around the room carrying boxes, expensive rugs, suits and other essentials Julian had. Lin cleared up every drawer in the room before mustering the courage to clear Rosa's bedside drawers. Lin cleared the jewellery and notebooks in the drawers. She noticed that the base of the third drawer wasn't secure and was making odd creaking sounds. Lin reached out to straighten the base of the drawer and spotted a few soiled pages.

Lin furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Why in the world were there soiled pages beneath what seemed to be a secret compartment in a drawer? Lin wrestled with the stubborn wooden base of the drawer until she managed to completely detach it from the rest of the drawer.

Her eyes widened when she realised that the soiled pages she had seen were attached to a journal. Could this be Rosa's journal ? Lin swallowed a lump in her throat as she grabbed the journal and settled onto the bed.  She briefly glanced and the door and remembered that Juian and Charlie had gone out to get some groceries.

Lin opened the book, completely unprepared for for what she was about to read.


Renata is right. This is all my fault. I delivered us into Michele's hands. I should have just let him kill us.

This life we're forced to live is cruel. I never thought I would kill anyone until today.

Michele was torturing the Morreti family. Mr Moretti stole from Michele. Mr Morreti is a foolish man. Everyone in Sicily knows that Michele is not a man to cross, let alone steal from. Mr Morreti signed his death wish the moment he decided to steal from Michele.

I will never forget the look of terror in the Morreti family's eyes. The youngest daughter, just four years of age died by my hand. Michele forced the gun into my hand. The heavy, horrible weapon. He forced me to pull the trigger. I've never seen so much blood in my life before.

I took a life. I took a life. I'm a monster.


It's Renata and I's fifteenth birthday today. If only Mama and Papa were here. We would be celebrating our birthday with Mama's cooking. Papa would be dancing with us. There would be soft music playing in the background.

But they are dead. I have to remember that they aren't coming back for us. Renata and I are on our own.


Renata hates me. I'm sure she does. She can barely talk to me. She doesn't even look at me. I need my sister more than anything. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I can't even eat or sleep.

Sleep used to be my escape. Sleep was my only source of freedom. But now it's my hell, the family I killed last week visits my dreams. The little girl's eyes haunt me day in and day out.

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