21. The Invitation

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T W E N T Y - O N E 

"Lin, are you alright?" Julian asked in concern. Lin immediately sat up straight, smiled and shoved the paper she was reading in her bag.

She cleared her throat. "I'm fine Julian. Why do you ask?" She inquired, trying by all means to remain composed. She bit her lip lest she burst into a pool of tears.

"Because you're not talking." He replied, before placing his tablet on the Coffee table.

"Ah yes, you and your son are annoyingly observant." She chuckled nervously.

Julian narrowed his eyes at Lin and frowned. "My patience is wearing thin, Lin. I don't want to have to kiss it out of you. Unless you prefer other means. I assure you that other means can be arranged." He explained coolly.

Lin's breath hitched. She tried to stall by smoothing out non-existent ruffles. Julian let out a growl of frustration before hastily marching his way over to Lin.

He knelt down on one knee then gently propped Lin's chin up so he could gaze into her eyes. Lin's heart pounded erratically as she realised how close Julian was. She looked down at him and sighed.

"Lin..." He started.

Lin suddenly burst into tears. She uttered a painful cry. She launched herself into Julian's arms almost knocking him to the floor. He gently wrapped his arms around her as they knelt on the floor. She shook and sniffled as he cooed words of comfort.

"It's okay Lin. I'm right here." He whispered in assurance. "I'm here to be strong for you." He smiled as he recalled the pact they had made not too long ago.

Lin slowly unwrapped herself from Julian's embrace and looked down. She sniffled as she tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear.

"Hey," he whispered gently, "talk to me." He said.

"Lance and Rhea's wedding invitation was in my letterbox this morning." She sighed. "I saw the damned gold envelope jutting out of the letterbox when I was on my way here." She explained, her voice unsteady.

"I'm sorry." He muttered unintelligibly. He wanted to kick himself for saying such useless, meaningless words.

"You have nothing to be sorry about Julian." Lin sighed. "I guess I just thought I was truly over him. I thought I could move on from this but it hurts." She confessed as tears started rolling down her cheeks once more.

"Lin, these things take time. A lot of time. You can't force yourself to get over him. He was your first love after all." He explained.

"But I don't want it to take time! I want this pain to stop!" Lin lashed out angrily before bursting into more sobs.

"And it will in due time." Julian said knowingly. "You have to take it one day at a time." He advised.

"Yeah, well it's easier said than done." She sighed before blowing out a breath.

"Most things usually are." He stated. "You should go to the wedding." Julian told her.

Lin looked like Julian had just slapped her.

"And why would I do that?" She demanded, her brows furrowed.

"Acceptance is the first stage of moving on. You need to witness the event and let it sink in." Julian instructed her.

Lin mewled and whimpered much like a puppy. "But I don't wanna leeeet it siiiink in!" She whined as she wildly waved her arms around.

"Oh but you have to. And you will. You'll wear whatever sexy getup you have in your wardrobe and attend that wedding, although you don't even have to dress up because I'm sure you would look just as beautiful if you went in a potato sack or a trash bag." He rambled.

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