18- Moving day

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Aurora's POV

Xander shoves the last of his belongings into a box, everything is gone, it feels so empty in here. The moon shines through the open window, giving the room an even emptier feeling. From time to time a vampire walks in and grabs one of the boxes or furniture that is still left in the room. Now there's only one box left and just like that it's grabbed by a vampire and carried away. 

It turns out that the vampires are expanding the castle and of course, the royal family needs to live on the top floor so we're moving... to the 12th floor. 

I know there should be other things on my mind but I just can't stop thinking about how many stairs that is. Just imagine running up and down those stairs, imagine being the 'delivery boy'. 

I shake my thoughts away, no time for that now. Xander walks out of the room with me following right after, we walk up six floors, to the 12th floor and into one of the rooms. Like last time Xander's room is at the end of a hall, inside, the room looks exactly the same as Xander's last room and I'm not exaggerating. It's almost as if someone took a picture of his old room and recreated it six floors up. 

"It's exactly the same," I say before Xander looks over his shoulder to look at me. With a smirk on his lips, he nods. 

"Yeah, I like it this way." 

"But don't you want a change, you had the opportunity to do whatever with this room and you just made it the same?" my voice is soft and quiet yet holds a mountain of confusion. A small chuckle leaves Xander as he looks at me and then at the room before him. 

"I know..." That's all he says, nothing more. The room seems to have some kind of significance to him, well that's just what I'm guessing considering the big smile he has as he stares at the room. In his eyes I can see, almost feel the memories that are flowing in his brain, reminding him of better times. 

I smile while looking at the smiling vampire but then I remember what he truly is, a monster. I can't afford to forget that again. The smile on my lips fades away, replaced with emptiness, a hole in my heart. 

I wonder what made Xander so cruel and heartless, what broke him so badly that he feels the need to break others? Maybe he'll tell me one day or I'll find it out somehow. 

Xander's head snaps towards my direction and I almost panic. 

Was he listening to my thoughts? No, no, no, please tell me he wasn't listening. 

"Close the door." I do so.

He's going to kill me now for wondering too much. Curiosity killed the cat and I'm going to be dead evidence for those words. Nothing happens though, he just stands still for a while, listening to something before throwing off his clothes and crawling onto his bed. 

Oh, he wanted to sleep. 

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