58- No way

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Xander's POV

"She doesn't remember any of us?" Clairy asks as she casts glances at Aurora who is sitting on the couch she used to sleep on. She quietly sips on tea as she listens to Clairy's loud whispers. 

"No," I answer as I snap my gaze back to my sister. 

"So she died, came back with wings and no memory of us," she clarifies the situation to herself.

"The question isn't what happened but what we have to do to make her remember," Ethan butts in from the entrance to my closet. His brows are furrowed as he stares at the floor like it's going to give him all the answers.

"She came back from the dead so she had to be brought back by an angel..." I start as my voice trails off while I wonder if what I'm about to say really is the truth.

"And that means what?" Clairy asks as she snaps her fingers in front of my face, causing me to blink a few times.

"That there's no way for her to get her memories back... at least no known way," I answer her question as I glance over at Aurora. Her hair glimmers in the light of my headlamp as steam from the cup she's holding makes her hair slightly wet. 

"That can't be true!" Ethan shouts as I snap my gaze back to him. He leaves his place by the closet and walks over to my desk where Clairy and I are standing. "There just has to be a way!"

"We're not angels so we don't have the answers!" Clairy shouts back as tears form under her eyelids. "I want her back too..." Clairy's voice softens into a whisper as she wipes the spilled tears away.

"I'm not gone, you know," Aurora says out of the blue as she places her cup onto the coffee table before walking over to us. "I might not know a solution but I'm still here and for a reason."

"What kind of reason are you talking about?" I ask as I stand up and walk closer to her. 

"There's this one thing that I remember before I woke up... a female voice said 'your mind will not remember but your heart will know it all'."

"What does that mean?" Ethan and Clairy ask simultaneously as their eyes widen and stare at the violet-eyed girl. Her gaze travels to the roof as her face twists in concentration. 

"In some way, I must remember you," she answers.

"That means she's not completely lost!" Clairy squeals as she jumps and hugs me while Ethan chuckles quietly. 

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