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After Aurora's death

Aurora's POV

Everything is white around me, no matter where I run or how far, I'm only met be whiteness. There's no one else around me, there's nothing but me. 

I stop my running to catch my breath, breathing heavily as I look back to see if I can spot the place I started. Everything looks the same, there's no telling how far I ran or even if I've been running in a straight line.

"Hello Aurora," a female voice snaps my attention forward before I start frantically searching for the owner. "It's okay if you don't see me, all you have to do is listen."

I stop dead in my tracks, closing my eyes to focus on the voice. 

"It's so nice, seeing my little girl all grown up and with a mate as well," the voice laughs as my eyes shot open. Her girl? Do I know this woman? "You probably don't know me but I'm your mother," she sighed.

My lip quivers as I open my mouth, "My mother?" 

"Yes, darling." 

"Did you not want me?" I ask the question that's been burning me up since Ryan took me in and made me a pet.

"Of course I wanted you, sweety. It's just that I'm an angel and your father was a shifter, our love was forbidden and so was our child. We had to give you to someone we knew would make your life better than your father and I could give you." 

"So you gave me to Ryan," a small smile lays comfortably on my lips as I think of the man.


We fall into silence as I stare out into the whiteness of this odd place before a question pops into mind.

"What are you doing here?" 

"I'm here to take you home." I can hear the happiness and excitement in her voice, almost seeing the bright big smile that she must have on her lips right now.

"What?!" I exclaim, stumbling backward in shock. 

"Don't worry, we'll just strip you of your shifter ability and you'll be an angel, just like me. Then you can live happily here with me!" she squeals in excitement. 

"N-no! I have to go back, back to Xander!" I shout. 

"Aurora, sweety. There is no way back."

"YES! There is, there has to be and if there really is none then I'll find my way back!" I shout with tears in my eyes, "I won't abandon Xander!"

"Is this really what you want?" her voice is sad and low but I don't care. Xander is my mate and even though this woman is my mother, I met her two minutes ago. 

I'm choosing what I know over someone who gave me up. The reasons don't matter, all I know is that I would never do the same thing to my daughter.

"Yes," I answer, determined. 

"If you go back, you'll forget all about your life. The only thing you'll remember is how to defeat the one who killed you. Your mind will not remember but your heart will know it all." 

"Send me back." 

"Before I do... I'm sorry," her voice trembles, I can almost feel her hot tears hitting my skin.

The whiteness disappears before darkness consumes me.

I'm coming back.

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