24- Is she...

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Xander's POV

Ever since I was a little boy I have been going to this part of the castle, the forgotten room I call it. It's a small room in the corner of the library, hidden from everyone else. When the world got too messed up I always went here, still do. After almost 1250 years no one has found this place nor me when I'm here. Although it has been a while since the last time I was here, right now I just have a lot on my mind.

The hug last night just really messed things up form me. Now some vampires would for sure start complaining about how ridiculous this whole thing is and I would agree if it wasn't for those damn sparks I felt. Those electric sparks that are written in every book about mates, told by every mate-couple. They say that the sparks come before the feelings. 

I shake my head.

Aurora is only 17. Only when she turns 18 will she be able to find her mate. Although it's said that if one of the two is older, the older will feel sparks three months before their mate turns 18. When does Aurora turn 18, why didn't I check that before?

I pull out my phone and scroll through the 'About my pet' app. There her birthday is written in black letters, 1 January. That is about two and a half months away. My phone slips from my hands as I stare dumbfounded at the floor. 

Is she... my mate

That thought hit harder than a kick in the balls.

She isn't at all what I wanted nor expected. I wanted a strong vampire who would be a perfect Queen but now I'm stuck with a shifter that can't even shift into something bigger than a fox. She's weak and vulnerable.

I don't want her. 

Although I'll keep her around, I'll make her suffer. From the minute she turns 18, I'll make her suffer each day by not loving her. I'll make her long for death, even beg for death. Then I'll find my second chance mate and break her heart into pieces.

She ruined my chances of true happiness and now, I'll make her pay.

Even though I'm not looking into a mirror I still know that my eyes are glowing with crimson red.

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